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eridge, Bigby, Biggs, Bingham, A. Blair, Boles, Braxton, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Buffinton, B. F. Butler. Caldwell, Campbell, Carroll, W. T. Clark, Cobb, Coghlan, Conger,Crebs, Creely, Crocker, Crossland, Darrall, Davis, Dickey, Don nan, .Dew, DuBose, Duell, Duke, Eaines, Eldredge, Earwell, Forker, C. Foster, W. D. Foster, Frye, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Griffith, Haldeman, Hambleton, Hancock, Handley, Hanks, Harmer, Harper, J. T. Harris, Hays, G. W. Hazel ton, J. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Herndon, Hill, Hoar, Holman, Kelley, Kellogg, Kendall, Killinger, King, Lamison, Lamport, Leach,Lowe, Lynch, Manson, Maynard, McClelland, McCormick, McGrew, McHenry, Mclntyre, McJunkin, McKinney,McNeely, Mercur, Merriain, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Morgan, Morphis,L.Myers, ~Negley, Nib lack, Packard, Packer, I. C. Parker, Peck, E. Perry, Piatt, Porter, Price, Prindle, Rainey, Read, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, J. Rogers, Rusk, Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Sessions, Shanks, Sheldon, Shellabarger, Sherwood, Shober, Shoemaker, Sloss, R. M. Speer, T. J. Speer, Starkweather, Storm, Strong. Sutherland, Swann, Sypher, Tnffe, Terry, Thomas,W. Townsend, Turner, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Walden, Wells, Wheeler. Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young—155.

Nays—Messrs. Beck, Bird, J. G. Blair, J. Brooks, Burchard, Coburn, Comingo, Cotton, Cox, Dawes, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, (jarfield, Hale, Hawley, Hay, Hibbard, Hooper, Kerr, Lewis, McCrary, Merrick, Moore, Orr, Palmer. A. F. Perry, Peters, Poland, Potter, E. Y. Rice, Slocum, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, Stevens, Stevenson, Stoughton, Stowell, Willard—38.

In Senate.

Pending the consideration of the substitute reported by the Committee on Finance for House bill to repeal the duties on salt, (H. R. 173,)

Mr. Scott moved an amendment to the substitute offered by the committee, so as to place tea and coffee on the free list, striking out the proposed tax of ten cents on the former, aud two cents per pound on the latter; which was agreed to—

1872, March 22—yeas 35, nays 13: Yeas—Messrs. Alcorn, Anthony, Boreman, Caldwell, Cameron, Chandler, Clayton, Cooper, Corbett, Davis of West Virginia, Edmunds, Ferry of Michigan, Frelinghuysen, Gilbert, Goldthwaite, Hill, Hitchcock, Howe, Kellogg, Kelly, Morton, Norwood, Nye, Osborn, Pomeroy, Pratt, Ramsey, Rice, Robertson, Sawyer, Scott, Stewart, Vickers, West, Windom—35.

If Ays—Messrs. Ames, Blair, Conkling, Fenton, Hamilton of Maryland, Hamlin, Johnston, Morrill of Vermont, Schurz, Sherman, Sumner, Trumbull, Wright-13.

The Tariff Act.

In House.

May 8—Pending the bill (No. 2322) reported by the majority of the Committee of Ways and Means, in Committee of the Whole,

Mr. Kelley moved to strike out the enacting clause; which was agreed to—ayes .95, noes 75. Whereupon the committee rose and reported the fact to the House.

Mr. Kelley moved that the House concur in this action, and that the bill reported by the minority of the Ways and Means—Mr. Maynard and himself—(No. 2348) be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, with instructions to report the same to-morrow, as a substitute.

Mr. Dawes moved, as a substitute for the above instructions, the following:

Substitute for so much of said bill as is

contained between lines twenty-two, page 2, and lines three hundred and seventy-two, page 16, inclusive, the following:

Sec. —. That on and after the day and year when this act shall take effect, in lieu of the duties imposed by law on the articles in this section enumerated, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise in this section enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, ninety per cent, of the several duties and rates of duty now imposed bylaw upon said articles severally, it being the intent of this section to reduce existing duties on said articles ten per cent, of such duties; that is to say:

On all manufactures of cotton, or of which, cotton is the component part of chief value;

On all wools, hair of the alpaca goat, and other animals, and all manufactures wholly or in part of wool or hair of the alpaca, and other animals;

On all iron and manufactures of iron, or manufactures of which iron is the component material of chief value, exceptingon all metals not herein otherwise provided for, and on all manufactures of metals, of which either of them is the component part of chief value;

On all manufactures of India rubber, guttapercha, or straw, and on oil-cloths of all descriptions: Provided, That the rate of duty upon umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades shall in no case be less than is imposed upon goods of the same material and quality as the coverings thereof.

Mr. Finkelnburg moved to make theduties "eighty " per cent, on existing rates instead of "ninety;" which was disagreed to—yeas 80, nays 110:

Yeas—Messrs. Adams, Archer, Arthur, Averill, Beatty, Beck, Beveridge, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, J. Brooks, Burchard, Caldwell, Comingo, Conner, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Gritcher, Crossland, Donnan, Box, Duke, Bunnell, Eldredge, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Golladay, Handley, Hanks, Hawley, Hay, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Kendall, Kerr, King, Lamison, Lowe, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKinney, McNeely, Merrick, Morgan, Orr, H. W. Parker, E. Perry, Potter, Price, Bead, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, W.R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Shanks, Slater, Slocum, Stevenson, Terry, D. Townsend, Turner, Tuthill, Tyner, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell* Whitthorne, Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, Winchester, Wood—80.

Nays—Messrs. Acker, Ambler, Ames, Banks, Barber, Barnum. Bell, Bigby, Bingham, Boles, G. M. Brooks, Buffinton, Burdett, B. F. Butler, R. R. Butler, Cobb, Coburn, Coghlan, Conger, Creely, Crocker, Darrall, Dawes, Duell, Eames, Elliott, Farwell, C. Foster, H. D. Foster, W. D. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Getz, Goodrich, Griffith, Haldeman, Hale, Halsey, Harmer, Harper, G. W. Hazelton. Hill, Hoar, Houghton, Kelley, Kellogg, Ketcham, Killinger, Lamport, Lansing, Maynard, McClelland* McGrew, Mercur, Merriam, B. F, Meyers, Monroe, Morey, L. Meyers, Packard, Packer, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, Peters, Poland, Prindle, Rainey, Randall, E. H. Roberts, Rogers, Rusk, Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sessions, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shoemaker, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, R. M. Speer, T.J. Speer, Sprague, Storm, Stoughton, Strong, St. John, Sutherland, Sypher, Taffe, W. Townsend, TwiVhell, Upson, Wakeman, Walden, Wallace, Walls, Warren, Wheeler, Whiteley, Willard, Williams of Indiana, J. T. Wilson—110.

Mr. Dawes's substitute was then agreed to— yeas 111, nays 77: Yeas—Messrs. Adams, Archer, Arthur, Averill, Barnum, Beatty, Beck, Beveridge, Bigby, Bird, Braxton, Bright, J. Brooks, Buffinton, Burchard, Caldwell, i oburn, Coghlan, Comingo,Conner, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Dawes, Donnan, Box, Duke, Dunnell, Eldredge, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Frye, Garfield, Getz, Golladay, Goodrich, Haldeman, Hale, Handley, Hanks, Havens, Hawley, Hay, G. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Kendall, Kerr, Ketch ran, King, Lamison, Lowe, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, McHenry, Mclntyre, 31cKinney, McNeely, Merrick, B. F. Meyers, Morgan, Orr, Packard, Palmer, H. W. Parker, Peree, E. Perry, Peters, Potter, Price, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Bice, Ritchie, B. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Roosevelt, Puisk, Shanks, Slater, Slocum, W. C. Smith, Snyder, T. J. Speer, Stevenson, Storm, Stoughton, Srrong, Terry, D. Townsend, Turner, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner. Vaughan, Voorhees, Walden, Warren, Wheeler, Wbiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana. Williams of New York, J. M.Wilson, Winchester, Wood—111.

Nays—Messrs. Acker, Ames, Banks, Barber, Bell, Bingham, Boles, G. M. Brooks, Burdett, R. R. Butler, Conger, Creely, Crocker, Darrall, Duell, E:i,mes, Elliott, Farwell. C. Foster, H. D. Foster, W. D. Foster, Griffith, Halsey,Harmer. Harper, Hill, Hoar, Houghton, Kelley, Kellogg, Ki I linger, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, Maynard, McClelland, McGrew, Mercur,Merriam, Monroe, Morey,L.Myers, Packer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Piatt, Poland, Prindle, Rainey, Randall, Rogers, Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sessions, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shoemaker, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, Snapp, R. M. Speer, Sprague, Stowell, St. John, Sypher, Taffe, W. Townsend, Upson, Waddell, Wakeman, Wallace, Walls, Wiilard, J. T. Wilson—77.

The motion to refer the bill, as amended, was then agreed to—yeas 117, nays 75:

Yeas—Messrs. Adams, Archer, Arthur, Averill, Barnum, Beatty, Beck, Beveridge, Bigby. Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, J. Brooks, Buffinton, Burchard, B. F.Butler, Caldwell, Coburn, Coghlan, Comingo, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Dawes, Donnan, Box,Puke. Dunnell, Eldredge, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Frye, Garfield, Golladay, Goodrich, Haldeman, Hale, Hundley, J. T. Harris, Havens, Hawley, Hay, G. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Hoar, Kellogg, Kendall, Kerr, King, Lamison, Lowe, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, McHenry, Mclntyre, McNeely, Merrick, B. F. Meyers, Morgan, Orr, Packard, Palmer, H. W. Parker, Perce. E. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Potter, Price, Prindle, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Rusk, Sargent, Sawyer, Shanks, Sheldon, Slater, Slo cum,W .C. Smith, T.J. Speer, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Stoughton, Strong, Sypher, Taffe, Terry, D. Townsend, Turner, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner, Vaughan, Walden, Warren, Wheeler, Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, WinChester, Wood—117.

Nays—Messrs. Acker, Ambler, Ames, Banks, Barber, Bell, Bingham, A. Blair, Boles, G.. M. Brooks, Burdett, R. R. Butler, Cobb, Conger, Conner, Creely, Crocker, Darrall, Duell, Eames, Elliott, Farwell, H. D, Foster, W. D. Foster, Getz, Griffith, Halsey, Harmer, Harper, Hill, Houghton, Kelley, Killinger, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, Maynard, McClelland, McGrew, McJunkin, Mercur, Merriam, Monroe, Morey. L. Myers, Packer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Poland, Rainey, Randall, Rogers, Scofield, Seeley, Sessions, Sherwood, Shoemaker, H.B. Smith, J. A. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, R. M. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stowell, St. John, W. Townsend, Upson, Waddell, Wakeman, Wallace, Walls, Wiilard, J. T. Wilson—75.

The bill was subsequently reported by the committee, considered and amended in several respects by the House, sitting in Committee of the Whole; when—

May20—Mr. Dawes offered this resolution: Besolved, That the rules be so suspended that the Committee of the Whole be discharged from the further consideration of the substitute for the House bill No. 2322, being a bill to reduce duties on imports, and to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes, and that

the same, as it has been amended in Committee of the Whole, do pass.

Which was agreed to—yeas 149, nays 61:

Yeas—Messrs. Ames, Archer, Banks, Barnum* Beck, Bell, Bigby, Biggs, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, Buckley, Buffinton, Burchard, Burdett, B. F. Butler, R. R. Butler, Caldwell, Clarke, Cobb, Coburn, Comingo, Conner,Cotton, Cox, Crebs,Critcher, Crossland, Darrall, Davis, Dawes, Donnan, Duke, Dunnell, Ely, Farnsworth, Farwell, Finkelnburg, For her, C. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Garrett, Giddings, Golladay, Haldeman, Hale. Hancock, Handley, Harper, G. E. Harris, X T. Harris, Havens, Hawley, Hay, Hays, G. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Hoar, Holman, Houghton, Kellogg, Kendall, Kerr, Ketcham, King, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, Lewis, Lowe, Lynch, Manson, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, McGrew, McHenry, Mclntyre, McNeely, Merriam,- Merrick, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morphis, Niblack, Orr, Packard, Palmer, H. W. Parker, I. C. Parker,. Peters,Potter, Price, Rainey, Read, E. Y. Rice, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Rusk, Sawyer, Seeley, Sessions, Shanks, Sheldon, Shellabarger, Sherwood, Slater, Sloss, Snapp, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Stevens, Storm, Stoughton, Stowell, Strong, Swann. Taffe, Terry, Thomas, Turner, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wallace, Walls, Warren, Wells, Wheeler, Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana. Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young—149. Nays—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Ambler, Arthur, Averill, Barber, Barry, Beatty, Bingham, A. Blair, Campbell, Carroll, Coghlan, Conger, Dickey, Duell, Eames, Eldredge, Elliott, H. D. Foster, W. D. Foster, Getz, Griffith, Halsey, Harmer, J. W. Hazelton, Hill, Hooper, Kelley, Killinger, Lamison, Maynard, McClelland, McJunkin, McKee, Mercur, B. F. Meyers, L. Myers, Negley, Packer, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Poland, Randall, J. M. Rice, Rogers, Scofield, Shoemaker, Slocum, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, R. M. Speer, Starkweather, Stevenson, Sutherland W. Townsend, Upson, Willard, J. T. Wilson—61.

In Senate.

The bill was considered, amended in many respects, and passed May 31—yeas 49, nays 3, (Messrs. Chandler, Scott, and Sprague.)

It finally, went to a committee of conference, whose report was adopted by both Houses without a division.

The duties, as fixed in it and contrasted with the previous rates, will be found stated in table H, chapter XXIII.

Duty on Salt. In House. 1871, March 14—Mr. Eugene Hale moved to suspend the rules and pass a bill which provides that from and after the passage of this act salt shall be placed on the free list, and no further import duties shall be collected on the same; which was agreed to—yeas 147, nays 46, as follow:

Yeas — Messrs. Acker, Adams, Archer, Arthur, Averill, Barber, Beatty, Beck, Bigby, Bingham, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, G. M. Brooks, J. Brooks, Buckley, Buffinton, Burchard, Burdett, R. R. Butler, Caldwell, Campbell, Cobb, Coburn, Comingo,Gook, Cotton, Crebs,Critcher,Crossland, Davis, Dawes, De Large, Donnan, Dox, Du Bose, Duke, Dunnell, Eames, Eldredge,Elliott, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Forker, C.Foster, Frye, Garfield, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Haldeman, Hale, Handley, Hanks, Harper, G. E. Harris, J. T. Harris, Hawley, Hay, G. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Hoar,Holman, Kendall, Kerr, Ketcham. King, Kinsella, Lamison, Lamport, Leach, Lewis, Lynch, Manson, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKinney, Merrick, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Moore, Morey, Morgan, Morphis, Niblack, Orr, Packard, Pendleton, Perce, E. Perry, Peters, Potter, Pricet Readt

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E. Y. Bice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Rusk, Shanks, Sheldon, Shellabarger, Shober, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, T. J. Spser, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Stoughton, Sioann, Sypher, Taffe, Terry, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner, Upson, Van rTrump,Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wallace, Warren, Wheeler. Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, J.T. Wilson, Wood, Young—-147.

Nays—Messrs. Ambler, A. Blair, Conger, Creely, Dickey, H. B. Foster, Goodrich, Griffith, Harmer, Havens, J. W. Ilazelton, Hooper, Kelley, Killinger, Lansing. Lowe, Maynard, McClelland, McGrew, McJunkin, Merriam, L. Myers, Packer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Piatt, Porter, Prindle, Rainey, Randall, E. H. Roberts, J. Rogers, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sessions, Shoemaker, R.M.Speer, Sprague, Stowell, St. John, Sutherland, Thomas, W. Townsend, Walls, Willard—46. The Senate took no action upon the bill.

Duty on Coal.

In House.

1871, March 13—Mr. Farnsworth moved to suspend the rules and pass a bill that from and after the passage of this joint resolution no tax or duty shall be levied or collected upon foreign coal; which was agreed to—yeas 130, nays 57:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Arthur, Averill, Barber, Beatty, Beck, Bingham, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, G. M. Brooks, J. Brooks, Buckley, Buffinton, Burchard, Caldwell, Campbell, Carroll, F. Clarke, Coburn, Comingo, Cook, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Grossland, JDawes, Donnan, Du Bose, Bake, Dunnell, Eames, Eldredge, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Forker, C. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Garrett, Golladay, Haldeman, Hale, Handley, Hanks, Harper, J. T. Harris, Hawley, Hay, G._W. Hazelton, Holman, Kendall, Kerr, Ketcham, King, Kinsella, Lamison, Leach. Lewis, Lynch, Manson, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKinney, Merriam, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Moore, Morey, Morgan, Niblack, Orr, Packard, Palmer. Pendleton, E. Perry, Peters, Potter, Price, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, B. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Seeley, Shanks, Shellabarger, Shober, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Stoughton, Sypher, Taffe, Terry, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Warren, Wheeler, Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, J. T. WTilson, Wood, Young—130.

Nays—Messrs. Ambler, Archer, Bigby, A. Blair, Burdett, B. F. Butler, R. R. Butler, Cobb, Conger. Creely, Bavis, De Large, Dickey, Box, Elliott, H. B. Foster, Getz, Goodrich, Griffith, Harmer, Havens, J. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Kelley, Killinger, Lamport, Maynard, McClelland, McGrew, McJunkin, Merrick, Morphis, L. Myers, Packer, I. C. Parker, Piatt, Poland, Porter, Prindle, Rainey, Randall, Ritchie, Sawyer, Scofield, Shoemaker, H. B. Smith, R. M. Speer, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Stowell, St. John, Swann, Thomas, W. Townsend, Wallace, Walls, Willard—57.

The Senate took no action on the bill.

Resolutions on Tariff and Taxation.

In House. 1871, March 27—Mr. Hibbard offered the following; which were referred to the Committee of Ways and Means:

Resolved. First, that the financial policy which aims merely at a rapid extinguishment of the public debt by perpetuating the burdens of taxation is inexpedient and impolitic, and that the faith and credit of the Government depend on the development of the resources of the country and their relief from inordinate taxation.

Second, that economy requires that the annual taxation should not exceed $250,000,000, including interest, and $25,000,000 principal of the public debt.

Third, that the tariff should be so reformed as to be a tax for revenue only, and not for the protection of class interests at the general expense.

A motion to table them was lost—yeas 2, (Messrs. G. M. Brooks and Maynard,) nays 153.

Same day—Mr. Hosea W. Parker offered the following; which was also referred to the Committee of Ways and Means:

Resolved, That the tariff should be so reformed as to be a tax for revenue only, and not for the protection of class interests at the general expense.

April 10—The vote on referring was—yeas 98, nays 78:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Ambler, Averill, Barber, Barry, Bigby, A.Blair, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Buffinton, Burdett, Cobb, Coburn, Conger, Cook, Cotton, Creely, Be Large, Donnan, Dunnell, Eames, Elliott, C. Foster, H. B. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Griffith, Hale, G. E. Harris, Havens, Hawley, J. W. Hazelton, Hill, Hoar, Hooper, Kelley, Kendall, Ketcham, Lamport. Lansing, Lowe, Lynch, Maynard, McClelland, McCrary, McGrew, McJunkin. McKee, Mercur, Merriam, Monroe, Moore, Morey, Orr, Packard, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Piatt, Poland, Porter, Prindle, Randall, E. H. Roberts, J. Rogers, Busk, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Shanks, Sheldon, Shellabarger, Shoemaker, J. A. Smith, Snyder, Sprague, Stoughton, Stowell, St. John, Taffe, Thomas, W. Townsend, Turner, Twichell, Tyner, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wallace, Walls, Wheeler, Whiteley, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson—98.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Archer, Arthur, Beatty, Beck, Bell, Bird, Braxton, Bright, Burchard, Caldwell, Campbell, Comingo, Cox, Crebs, Crossland, Bavis, Box, Bu Bose, Buke, Edwards, Eldredge, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Garrett, Golladay, Hambleton, Handley, Hanks, Harperv J. T. Harris, Hay, Hereford, Hibbard, Holman, Kerr, King, Lamison, Leach, Lewis, Manson Marshcdl, McCormick, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKinney, McNeely, B. F. Meyers, Niblack, H. W. Parker, E. Perry, Potter, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Sherwood. Shober, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Swann, Terry, Van Trump, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Wells, Whitthorne, Williams of New York, Winchester, Wood, Young—78.

April 10—Mr. Bell submitted the following:

Whereas the Government of the United States was established by the people for their own protection and benefit, and should be administered on the strictest principles of frugality and economy in its expenditures, and that no money should be taken from the people by taxation except to supply the necessary wants of the Government administered upon such principles; and whereas the money annually raised by taxation upon the people should not exceed the sum of $250,000,000, said sum being amply sufficientto provide for the ordinary expenditures of the Government, the payment of the interest of the public debt, and in part liquidating the interest of said debt: Therefore,

Resolved, That this House disapproves the inordinate taxation to pay off immense sums of the public debt, as heretofore practiced by the Secretary of the Treasury, and would limit the sum for the principal of said debt to $25,000,000.

No vote was taken upon it.

1871, April 10—Mr. Kelley moved that the rules be suspended that he may offer, and the House pass, this resolution:

Resolved, That this House reaffirms the resolution adopted on the 12th of December, 1870, by the House of Representatives of the Fortieth* Congress, declaring that the true principle of revenue reform points to the abolition of the internal revenue system, which was created as a war measure to provide for extraordinary expenses, and the continuance of which involves the employment, at a cost of millions of dollars annually, of an army of assessors, collectors, supervisors, detectives, and other officers previously unknown, and requires the repeal at the earliest day consistent with the maintenance of the faith and credit of the Government of all stamp and other internal taxes; and that properly adjusted rates shall be retained on distilled spirits, tobacco, and malt liquors so long as the legitimate expenses of the Government require the collection of any sum from internal taxes.

Which was agreed to—yeas 130, nays 21:

Yeas — Messrs. Acker, Adams, Ambler, Archer, Arthur, Averill, Barber, Barry, Beatty, Blair, Braxton, G. M. Brooks, Buffinton, Burdett, Carroll, Coburn, Comingo, Conger, Creely, Crossland, Davis, Dawes, De Large, Dickey, Du Bose, Duke, Eames, Edwards, Elliott, Ely, Farwell, C. Foster, Garfield, Golladay, Griffith, Handley, Hanks, Harper, Havens, Hawley, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Hibbard, Hill, Hoar, Holman, Hooper, Kelley, Kendall, Ketcham, King, Lamison, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, Lewis, Lowe, Lynch, Manson, Maynard, McClelland, McCormick, McHenry,McIntyre, McJunkin, McKee, McKinney, Mercur, Merriam, Merrick, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Moore, Morey, Niblack, Orr, Packard, Packer, Palmer, H. W. Parker, I. C. Parker,*Peck, Pendleton, E. Perry, Piatt, Poland, Porter, Randall, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, J. Rogers, Busk, Sawyer, Scofield, Seelev, Sheldon, Shellabarger, Sherioood, Shober, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, J. A. Smith, Snyder, T.'J. Speer, Sprague, Stevens, Storm, Stoughton, St. John, Thomas, W. Townsend, Turner, Twichell, Tyner, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wallace, Walls, Wells, Wheeler, Whiteley, Williams of Indiana, Williams of New York, J. T. Wilson, Wood, Young-130.

Nays—Messrs. Bell, Bird, Bright, Buckley, Burchard, Caldwell, Campbell, Cotton, Cox, Donnan, Dunnell, Finkelnburg, Garrett, G. E. Harris, Kerr, E. Y. Rice, Roosevelt, Shanks, Taffe, Terry, Vaughan—21.

Duty on Salt and Coal.

1872, February 19—Mr. Hale moved to suspend the rules and pass this resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and Means be, and the same is hereby, instructed, whenever it shall report a bill changing any import duties, to place salt and coal upon the free list.

Which was disagreed to—yeas 102, nays 86, (two-thirds not having voted in the affirmative:)

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Arthur, Barber, Barnum, Beatty, Bell, Biggs, Bird, Braxton, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Caldwell, Campbell, Coburn, Coghlan, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Donnan, Dox, Du Bose, Duke, Dunnell, Eames, Eldredge, Farnsworth, Forker, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Haldeman, Hale, Handley, Hanks, G. E. Harris, J. T. Har

* Forty-First.

ris, Hawley, Hay, Hays, G. W. Hazelton, Herndon, Hibbard, Holman, Kellogg;, Kendall, King, Lamison, Lowe, Lync-.h, Marshall, McCormick, Mc Henry, McKee, McKinney, McNeely, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Moore, Morgan, Niblack, Oir, Packard, Palmer, H. W. Parker, I. C. Parker, E. Perry, Price, Read, E. Y. Rice, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Sargent, Shanks, Sheldon, Shober, Slater, Sloss, Stevens, Stevenson. Storm, Stoughton, Strong, Terry, Tuthill, Twichell, Tyner, Van Trump, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Walden, Wheeler, Whitthorne< Williams of Indiana, Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young—102.

Nays—Messrs. Ambler, Averill, Barry,I?ec7c, Beveridge, Bigby, Bingham, A. Blair, J. G. Blair, Boles, J. Brooks, Buffinton, Burchard. Burdett, W. T. Clark, Cobb, Conger, Creely, Crocker, Darrall, Davis, Dawes, Dickey, Duell, Finkelnburg. C. Foster, W. D. Foster, Frye, Griffith, Hancock, Harmer, Harper, J. W. Hazelton, Hill, Hoar, Houghton, Kelley, Ketcham, Killinger, Lamport, Lewis, Maynard, McClelland, McCrary, McGrew, McJuiikin, Mercur, Merrick, Morphis, L. Myers, Negley, Packer, Peck, Perce, Piatt, Poland, Porter, Potter, Prindle, Rainey, E. H. Roberts', J, Rogers, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sessions. Shellabarger, Sherwood, Shoemaker, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, R. M. Speer, T.J. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stowell, Sutherland, Swann, Sypher, Taffe. Thomas, W. Townsend, Turner,Upson, Whiteley, Willard, J.T. Wilson—86.

Duty on Pig Iron.

1872, February 26—Mr. Cox moved to suspend the rules and pass this resolution:

Whereas it appears by the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, page 4, that during the first six months of the calendar year 1871 there was an increase of one hundred and twenty per cent, in the quantity of pig iron, which result, as well as the increase of revenue therefrom, was produced by the reduction of the tariff on that article under the act of the 14thJuly, 1870; and whereas iron is an article of general use and consumption: Therefore,

Resolved, That in the judgment of this House a bill should be passed reducing the tariff on pig iron to five dollars per ton or less, and that the Committee of Ways and Means be instructed to bring in a bill for that purpose.

Which was disagreed to—yeas 74, nays 99:

Yeas—Messrs. Adams, Archer, Arthur, Beatty, Beck, Bell, Beveridge, Biggs, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, Caldwell, Campbell, Coiningo,.Conner, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Darrall, Du Bose, Duke, Dunnell, Eldredge, Ely, Golladay, Hale, Hambleton, Hancock, Handley, G. E. Harris, J. T. Harris, Hay, Hays, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Holman, Houghton, Kendall, Kerr, King, Lamison, Lewis, Manson, Marshall,McCormick, McHenry, Mclntyre, McNeely, Merrick, Morgan, H W. Parker, Potter, Read, E. Y. Rice, W. R. Roberts, Roosevelt, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, Stevens, Stevenson, Terry, Tuthill, Van Trump, Vaughan, Walden, Warren, Whit" thorne, Winchester, Wood, Young—74.

Nays—Messrs. Acker, Ames, Banks, Barber, Bigby, Bingham, A. Blair, Boles. G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Buffinton, Burchard, R. R. Butler, Cobb, Coburn, Coghlan, Conger, Crocker, Dawes, Dickey, Donnan, Duel], Eames, Finkelnburg, H. D. Foster, W. D. Foster, Garfield, Garrett, Getz, Griffith, Haldeman, Halsey, Hawley. G.W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hill, Hoar, Kelley, Ketcham, Killinger, Lamport, Lowe, Lynch, Maynard, McClelland, McGrew, McJunkin, Mercur, Merriam, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Morphis, L. Myers. Negley, Packard, Packer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Piatt, Porter, Prindle, Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sessions, Shanks, Shellabarger, Sherwood, Shoemaker, H. B. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, R. M. Speer, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stoughton, Sutherland,Tl&rq,Thomas, W. Townsend, Turner, Twichell, Tyner, Upson, Wakeman, Waldron, Wallace, Wheeler, Whiteley, Willard, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson—99.

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Treaty between the United States and Great Britain—Claims, Fisheries, Navigation of the St. Lawrence, &©., American Lumber on the River St. John, Boundary—Concluded May 8,1871; ratifications exchanged June 11,1871; proclaimed July 4, Isii.

By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. Whereas a treaty, between the United States of America and her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, concerning the settlement of all causes of difference between the two countries, was concluded and signed at Washington by the high commissioners and plenipotentiaries of the respective Governments on the 8th day of May last; which treaty is, word for word, as follows:The United States of America and her Britannic Majesty, being desirous to provide for an amicable settlement of all causes of difference between the two countries, have for that purpose appointed their respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say: the President of the United States has appointed, on the part of the United States, as commissioners in a joint high commission and plenipotentiaries, Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State; Robert Gumming Schenck, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Great Britain ; Samuel Nelson, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, of Massachusetts; and George Henry Williams, of Oregon; and her Britannic Majesty, on her part, has appointed as her high commissioners and plenipotentiaries the right honorable George Frederick Samuel, Earl de Grey and Earl of Ripon, Viscount Goderich, Baron Grantham, a baronet, a peer of the United Kingdom, lord president of her Majesty's most honorable Privy Council, knight of the most noble order of the Garter, &c. ; the right honorable Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, baronet, one of her Majesty's most honorable Privy Council, a member of Parliament, a companion of the most honorable order of the Bath, &c.; Sir Edward Thornton, knight com•mander of the most honorable order of the Bath, her Majesty's envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the United States of America; Sir John Alexander Macdonald, knight commander of the most honorable order of the Bath, a member of her Majesty's Privy Council for Canada, and minister of justice and attorney general of her Majesty's Dominion of Canada; and Montague Bernard, esq., Chichele professor of international law in the University of Oxford. And the said plenipotentiaries, after having

exchanged their full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles:

Article I.

Whereas differences have arisen between the Government of the United States and the Government of her Britannic Majesty, and still exist, growing out of the acts committed by the several vessels which have given rise to the claims generically known as the "Alabama claims;"

And whereas her Britannic Majesty has authorized her high commissioners and plenipotentiaries to express, in a friendly spirit, the regret felt by her Majesty's Government for the escape, under whatever circumstances, of the Alabama and other vessels from British ports, and for the depredations committed by those vessels:

Now, in order to remove and adjust all complaints and claims on the part of the United States, and to provide for the speedy settlement of such claims, which are not admitted by her Britannic Majesty's Government, the high contracting parties agree that all the said claims, growing out of acts committed by the aforesaid vessels and generically known as the u Alabama claims," shall be referred to a tribunal of arbitration to be composed of five arbitrators, to be appointed in the following manner, that is to say: one shall be named by the President of the United States; one shall be named by her Britannic Majesty; his Majesty the King of Italy shall be requested to name one; the President of the Swiss Confederation shall be requested to name one; and his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil shall be requested to name one.

In case of the death, absence, or incapacity to serve of any or either of the said arbitrators, or, in the event of either of the said arbitrators omitting or declining or ceasing to act as such, the President of the United States, or her Britannic Majesty, or his Majesty the King of Italy, or the President of the Swiss Confederation, or his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, as the case may be, may forthwith name another person to act as arbitrator in the place and stead of the arbitrator originally named by such head of a State.

And in the event of the refusal or omission for two months after receipt of the request from either of the high contracting parties of his Majesty the King of Italy, or the President of the Swiss Confederation, or his Majesty the Emperorof Brazil, to name an arbitrator either to fill the original appointment or in the place of one who may have died, be absent, or incapacitated, or who may omit, decline, or from any cause cease to act as such arbitrator, his

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