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Vertideros (Compuerta de)-Lock of the Desague de Hue-
huetoca, II, 151.

Veta Biscaina de Real del Monte, a rich vein in the Inten-
dancy of Mexico, II, 189; III, 215.

Vezou, juice of the sugar cane, III, 11.

Viceroys of Mexico-Their power and revenues, IV, 231.
Victoria, town, II, 270.

Villa Hermosa, town, II, 270.

Villalobos (Ruy Lopez de) discovers S. Benedicto, I,

Villarica de la Vera Cruz, colony founded by Cortez, II,


Villalta, II, 242.

Villena (Marquis de) viceroy of Mexico, charges Father
Flores with the direction of the hydraulical operations,
II, 141.

Vine-Its cultivation at Parras, II, 295: prohibited by the
Court of Spain, II, 517 et seq.

Vinegar-Amount imported into Vera Cruz in. 1802, IV,
33; in 1803, IV, 44.

Virgins (miraculous) of Guadalupe and Remedios, II,
138 (+).

Virgin Islands-Quantity of sugar exported from, III, 14.
Viscaino Sebastian takes possession of the peninsula of
California, II, 330-His voyage to New California, II,
338-Names the chief place of the country Monterey,
II, 354 Care with which he surveyed the coasts, II,


Visitadores-What that employment is, I, 220 (+).
Vizlipuzli-See Huitzilopochtli.

Volcanoes of Mexico, I, cxxii, 78.

Vomito prieto (black vomiting) has little influence on the
state of the population of Mexico, I, 128-See Yellow


Wactipuran, a Californian divinity, II, 332.

Wal (Don Manuel)-His project for rendering the pro-
vince of Venezuela independent, IV, 265.

Waters (Mineral) in the valley of Tenochtitlan, II, 101.
Wax-Quantity produced by Mexico, III, 61-Amount
annually imported into Vera Cruz, IV, 32-Amount
imported into Vera Cruz in 1802, IV, 36-Exported from
Mexico in 1802, IV, 38; in 1803, IV, 47.

Webs from hemp and flax are not manufactured in Mexico,
III, 466-Annual amount of their importation at Vera
Cruz, IV, 31-Amount of their importation at Vera
Cruz in 1802, IV, 33, 35; in 1803, IV, 46.

Werner (M.)-His theory of the origin of veins, III,
187 (*).

Whale fishery, III, 83.

Wheat-See Cerealia.

Whites, all enjoy the same rights by law, I, 204-Inequality
introduced among them by the government, ibid-Their
number, I, 206; compared with that of the West India
Islands, I, 207; with that of other parts of the New
Continent, I, 209-Progress of civilization among them,
I, 210 Their wealth, I, 223-See also Chapetones and

Wilkinson (General) communicates to the author a map
of the Rio del Norte and the mouth of the Rio Sabino,
I, lxxx.

Wine, amount annually imported into Vera Cruz, IV, 32–
Amount imported into Vera Cruz in 1802, IV, 33, 35;
in 1803, IV, 44-Quantity imported into the United
States of America in 1800, 1801, and 1804, IV, 314;
quantity exported, IV, 316.

Worms (silk), introduced by Cortez, III, 57.

Wood of Campeachy-Provinces which furnish it, II, 247-

Amount annually exported from Vera Cruz, IV, 31; in
1802, IV, 36; in 1803, IV, 47-Exported for other parts
of Spanish America in 1803, IV, 48-Influence which
the edict of free trade had on its exportation, IV, 100.
Wood for furniture-Quantity exported from Mexico in
1803, IV, 48.

Wood-tin-Mines which furnish it, III, 296.

Woolens-Amount imported into Vera Cruz in 1802, IV,
34, 35; exported for other parts of Spanish America in
1802, IV, 38; in 1803, IV, 45 and 46.


Xacojotzin, or the younger, surname of Montezuma II,
II, 9 (‡).

Xalapa, town, II, 268.

Xaltilolco-See Tlatelolco.

Xaltocan, lake, II, 110.

Xamapa, river-Project for bringing its water to Vera Cruz,
II, 266.

Xampolan, Indian village, II, 249.

Xico, a village situated in the lake of Chalco, II, 111.
Xicotlan, saltworks of the intendancy of Puebla.

Ximenez (Fortun), pilot of Grixalva in his voyage to Cali-
fornia, II, 321.

Xochicalco, military entrenchment, antient monument, II,

Xochimilca, one of the quarters of Tenochtitlan, II, 28.
Xochimilco, lake, II, 28.

Xorullo-See Jorullo.


Yabipais, a tribe of Indians, II, 316.

Yanos, third station of the Aztecs, II, 302.

Yaquesila, river, II, 315.
Yaqui, river, II, 298.

Yauricocha, mines, III, 341.

Yetl, Mexican name for tobacco, III, 41.
Ynguaran, mines, II, 226.

Yniesta-See Iniesta.

Yniesto (Ildefonso)-His measurement of the distance
from the Lake of Tezcuco to the cascade of Tula, IV,

Ysla (Juan de) colleague of Enrico Martinez, II, 123.
Yturby (Juan)-His expedition to California, 329.
Yturrigarray (Don Josef de)-Viceroy of Mexico, II, 162,
IV, 6.

Yucatan-Bishoprick-Its revenues, II, 231.

Yucatan, province, called at first New Spain, I, 11-It
forms the Intendancy of Merida, II, 242.

Yutas, a tribe of Indians, II, 287.

Yatepexi, mines, II, 242.


Zacatecas, Intendancy Its extent, II, 232-Its climate,
ibid-Its Reales de Minas, III, 120, 204—Their geolo-
gical constitution, ibid-Metals which they furnish, III,


Zacatecas, town, II, 233-Aerolithe found there, II, 385.
Zacatula, sea port in the Intendancy of Mexico, II, 293.
Zacatula, river, I, 73.

Zapata, a baptized Indian, author of a manuscript history
on Mexico, II, 74 (*).

Zapoteca-See Tzapoteca.

Zapotecs, a Mexican people, II, 235.

Zambos, descendants of Negroes and Indians, I, 130; II,

Zambos prietos, I, 246.

Zarate (Father Geronimo de) was employed in the recon-
struction of the causeways of Mexico, II, 48.

Zarria (Francisco Xavier de)-How he determined the
position of Zacatecas, I, lxvi.

Zepeda (Barnabe Antonio de) discovers the mines of
Catorce, II, 283-His operations in these mines, III,

Zepeda-His history of the Desague, II, 74 (*).

Zimapan, mines of the Intendancy of Mexico, II, 189.
Zinc-Mines which furnish it, III, 299.

Zitaquaro, mines, II, 226.

Zitlaltepec (Laguna de) the western part of the lake of
Zumpango, II, 111.

Zolaga, mines, II, 242.

Zomelahuacan, mines, II, 270.

Zoology-Animals mentioned in this work :

Anas moschata, III, 56.

Apis mellifica, III, 62.

Bombyx mori, II, 58 et seq.; B. madroño, III, 59.
Bos taurus, III, 46, 48; B. Americanus, III, 46;

B. Moschatus, ibid.

Cahis familiaris, III, 47.

Capra berendo, 11, 327.

Coccus cacti, III, 62 et seq.; IV, 337.

Crax ingra, III, 52; C. Pauxi, III, 53; C. Globicéra

Haliotis iris, IV, 89; H. Australis, ibid.

Meleagris gallo-pavo, III, 53, 55.

Melipone fasciata, III, 61.

Murex, III, 83.

Numidia meleagris, III, 56.

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