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On the 28th of June I ordered an officer, with a detachment of soldiers, to examine the battle field and count the dead. He found killed twenty warriors and four women; two of these women were killed by the Pueblo Indians, one was killed while fighting with a bow and arrows, and the other, I presume, was accidentally shot, for at a short distance only it is difficult to distinguish, by dress, the men from the women, so much are they alike. Twenty-six women and children were taken captive on the battle field; one woman was captured on the Francisco river, making twenty-seven in all. All the camp utensils, clothing, &c., &c., were taken or destroyed. A captive woman informed me that there were forty warriors there when the battle commenced, and she thought but three had escaped. On the 29th or 30th of June Colonel Loring, descending the Francisco, captured a wounded Apache, who informed him that he was in the battle of the 27th, that there were forty warriors and but two had escaped. This corroboration of the same fact would seem to require I should report thirty-seven or eight killed, but only twenty could be found.

I commend to your favorable notice the officers Captain Ewell recommends, viz: Lieutenants Moore, Chapman, and Davis, of the 1st dragoons; also, Lieutenants Whipple and Steen, 3d infantry, and Lieutenant McCook, 3d infantry, and Lieutenant Lazelle, 8th infantry.

My thanks are due to every soldier as well as officer engaged in this battle for their zeal and efficiency and daring bravery. Some of the officers request a particular mention made of the following as being most distinguished: 1st dragoons, Sergeant Perlon, company B; Corporal J. Anderson, Private Donnelly, Private Walsh, of company G; Lance Corporal Lambert, company D, and Private Barraer, of company D, 3d infantry; Sergeant J. Heron, and Private John S. Harper, of company K; Private Thomas McNamara, Thomas P. Morris, and John Brown, of company C; Sergeants Dooling and Morrison, Corporal Maloney, Privates Giles, Mooney, McCardle, Quinn, Woodsmanse, Wies, and Zinzenhaffer, of company F.

8th infantry.-Corporals John O'Donnel and W. Robinson, of B company, Sergeant C. Wolpert and Private McBay, of I company.

The wounded are as folows: Second Lieutenant Davis, Ist dragoons, in the knee; Second Lieutenant Steen, in the corner of the right eye. Both of these wounds were made by arrows.

Corporal Anderson, of G company, 1st dragoons, was wounded twice, by bullet and arrow; Private Donnelly, of the same company, was wounded; also, Private Barrer, of company D, 1st dragoons.

Sergeant Heron, of company K, 3d infantry, was wounded through the arm; also Privates Johnson and McNamara, of C company, 3d infantry, were wounded by arrows.

One Pueblo Indian was badly wounded by ball, and I expect from our own guns, through his own negligence, he having run into an Indian lodge, and coming out with a basket on his head, concealing his red badge, the distinguishing mark of the Pueblos.

Captain Blas Lucero was actively engaged on the field of battle with his men, receiving and securing the prisoners when brought out of the thicket.

I cannot close this report without making mention that the only officer and company not engaged in battle was Second Lieutenant Edson, commanding G company, mounted riflemen; he was in charge of the rear guard with his company, and performed on that date as fatiguing and arduous a service as any officer or company of the column.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieut. Col. 3d Inf'y, Com'g Southern Column.

Colonel B. L. E. BONNEVILLE,

3d Infantry, Commanding Gila Expedition.

SAN LUCIA, July 13, 1857.

SIR: I have the honor to report my operations while separated from your immediate command. On the 24th of June I was sent to operate against Indians reported in advance.

My command consisted of Lieutenants J. N. Moore, A. B. Chapman, and B. F. Davis, with a detachment of 1st dragoons; Captain Claiborne and Lieutenant Du Bois, mounted rifles; Lieutenants W. D. Whipple and A. E. Steen, with battalion of the 3d infantry; Lieutenants Thomas K. Jackson, John R. Cooke, and Henry M. Lazelle, with battalion of the 8th infantry. Lieutenant Alexander McD. McCook went in charge of spies and guides, (Mexican and Pueblos.) The party of Indians were found by the spies to be only a few women cooking meyeal, and they were all taken prisoners during the night by Blas Lucero, with a party of spies and guides, (Mexican and Pueblos.)

My march was continued towards the Gila river, where Indians were reported in force, until the 27th, when I was joined by the main column. During this interval a party of Pueblos, with an American, were sent to communicate with Colonel Bonneville, but discovered a party of Apaches in anıbush, and returned. Their vigilance saved their lives and that of the American. Lieutenant Chapman, with a platoon of dragoons, was then sent back, and afterwards, on the appearance of more Indians, was supported on the flank by Lieutenant Whipple with a detachment of the 3d infantry. The Apaches retiring, Lieutenant Whipple rejoined my column, and Lieutenant Chapman carried his communications to Colonel Bonneville, both executing their allotted duties in a satisfactory manner. A long march was thereby made several miles longer for Lieutenant Whipple's party, but the whole was cheerfully gone through with. Not prepared for so long a separation from the main column, the command was forced to butcher an Indian horse, which was eat by men and officers.

The march was resumed the evening of the 27th, my command consisting of the 1st dragoons, as above; the battalion of the 3d infantry, Lieutenants Whipple and Steen; Lieutenant Lazelle, of the 8th, assigned to a platoon of dragoons; Lieutenant McCook with the spies and guides.

The mountain was extremely rugged, and to prevent surprise the infantry and Pueblos were kept in advance. Approaching the Gila the country became level, and the Pueblos soon discovered Indian signs, and told me to "go on with my people." The dragoons were hurried on, and soon came on an Apache camp on the river bank, partly surrounded by thick brush. Lieutenant Moore led the head of the column through the village and across the river, taking up such a position as to cut off all retreat. This well-timed movement went far towards securing the decisive results.

Lieutenant McCook joined the head of the column on the charge, and rendered important personal services.

Lieutenants Whipple and Steen were deployed among the brush, fighting the Indians, and securing a number of prisoners.

Lieutenant Steen was struck by an arrow in the corner of the eye. Lieutenant Davis, 1st dragoons, was shot in the knee in a personal encounter with an Apache.

Corporal Anderson, company G, 1st dragoons, was twice seriously wounded, (arrow and bullet.)

The wounded were promptly attended by Assistant Surgeon Haden before the action was over.

Captain Claiborne and Lieutenant Dubois, mounted rifles, were early on the ground, and in time to render important services with zeal and efficiency.

The dragoons went forward the same afternoon to another village, but the Apaches had left.

Colonel Bonneville and yourself having arrived before the fighting was over, I do not report the killed and prisoners, some twenty odd of each.

Lieutenant Lazelle, 8th infantry, in charging with the dragoons, shot one Indian and cut down another.

The officers in command of detachments present the following names of enlisted men as active and efficient during the action:

1st dragoons, Sergeant Peslon, company B; Corporal J. Anderson, fighting in the brush, twice wounded; Pivate Donnelly, wounded; Private Walsh, of company G; Lance Corporal Lambert, company D; Private Barrer, company D, wounded; 3d infantry, Sergeant J. Herron and Private John S. Hafer, company K; Private Thomas McNamara, Thomas P. Morris, and John Brown, company C, "were among the most active men," reported by Licutenant Whipple.

Sergeants Dorling and Morrison, Corporal Maloney, Privates Giles, Mooney, McCordel, Quinn, Wordmann, Wies, and Zinzenhaffer, of company F, 3d infantry, were favorably mentioned by Lieutenant Steen.

Respectfully submitted.

Colonel D. S. MILES,


Captain 1st Dragoons.

Com'g Southern Column, Apache Campaign.


Fort Myers, March 8, 1857.


COLONEL: This morning a report of an engagement with the Seminoles in the Big Cypress Swamp, near Bowleg's Town, was received from Captain C. L. Stevenson, of the 5th infantry, commanding four companies of the 5th, and a mounted detachment of forty men. appears that Lieutenant Freeman, of the 5th, in command of "G" company, was in advance, near Bowleg's Town, and was reconnoitering a spot called the "Garden Hammock," with a small party, when he was attacked by the Indians, and lost one man killed, besides being himself, with three men, severely wounded. He immediately sent an express to Captain Stevenson, who was with the main body at Fort Keais, some 20 miles off.

Captain Stevenson started at once, joined Lieutenant Freeman at sunrise the next morning, (the 6th instant,) made his dispositions to attack the enemy, and after a gallant skirmish of fifteen or twenty minutes, drove them from the "hammock," and put them to flight.

The loss of the Indians is not known; they were seen to take off some dead and wounded; but the density of the "hammock" rendered the exact number uncertain to ascertain.

The loss of the troops was as follows:

Three privates killed, one officer, one non-commissioned officer and four privates wounded.

Killed.-Privates, Chilton, of G, McKinn, of I; McClusky, of D, 5th infantry.

Wounded. Second Lieutenant Edmund Freeman, 5th infantry, in the arm, severely; Sergeant Taylor, of H; privates, Bohmer, of G; (since dead,) Gallagher, of H; Donnelly, of K; and Mingle, of G, 5th infantry.

On the third instant, three days before the engagement near Bowleg's Town, four musicians absented themselves from the command at Fort Keais; these men have not since been heard from, and it is presumed by Captain Stevenson the Indians have taken them; their names are not given.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brevet Brigadier General, Commanding Department.


Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters of the Army, New York.


Fort Brooke, August 30, 1857.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the operations of one of the boat parties on Lake Okeechobee, which under the skillful direction of Captain Jacob E. Mickler, has performed good service, and met with success beyond my expectation.

On the 24th of August Captain W. H. Kendrick's independent company of volunteers, stationed in the vicinity of Istokpoga lake, came upon a party of about six Indians; the Indians attempted to escape, but on being pursued took trees; attempted to fire on the pursuing party. All the guns, however, missed fire; and Kendrick reports that he killed a warrior aged about twenty-five years, and captured a child four years old.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. LOOMIS, Colonel 5th Infantry, Commanding Department. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL,

Headquarters of the Army, West Point, New York.

TAMPA, August 28, 1857.

COLONEL: I have the honor to report the result of a scout made by me in obedience to your special order No 83, of July 2, 1857

I departed from this place on the 3d of July and arrived at Fort Kissimmee on the 9th. On the 10th and 11th I remained at the above named post, repairing the boats to descend and examine the Kissimmee river, and also the Okeechobee lake. On the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th I descended the river to its mouth, examining the country thoroughly on the east and west banks of the river, without meeting with any Indian or Indian sign whatever. On the 15th I established a depot on the northern shore of the Okeechobee lake. On the morning of the 16th I left camp very early to scout in the direction of Fort Lloyd. I returned to camp the evening of the same day without meeting with any success.

On the morning of 17th I left camp with thirty men to examine the saw grass, east of the Kissimmee river. I discovered a small stream running out of the saw grass. I continued up the stream about threequarters of a mile, when I came suddenly upon two Indian canoes, hauled into the grass. I landed with twenty-five men, and followed a large trail, which led through an immense saw grass. The trail led towards a small island surrounded by saw grass. As I approached the island I could hear an Indian chopping upon it. I divided my men into two parts and surrounded it. I then ordered a charge, and captured fifteen Indians, six women and nine children. One warrior was seen, and he made his escape through the saw grass. He was fired upon by one or two of the party. Hearing a shot fired in the direction of the boats, I ordered the men to move forward, and I remained with five men to destroy their houses, and prevent the warriors from rescuing the prisoners. In destroying their houses I found four or five pounds of rifle powder and a quantity of lead. The Indian men were concealed in the saw grass, and to judge from their yelling, they were gathering fast, but did not deem it safe to attack my men, as they did not know the number of my men, and my men kept yelling as they advanced towards their boats. I had a great deal of trouble to get the women through the saw grass, and one had to be carried by four men. As we approached the boats I went for

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