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grand views of the Grounds, the Schuylkill, etc. The east and west entrances are approached by flights of blue marble steps from terraces 80 by 20 feet, in the centre of which stands an open kiosque. There are eight handsome fountains occupying the several angles of the building, and in the centre there is an artistically beautiful fountain by Miss Foley, the American Sculptor.

There are, besides the Conservatory, forty acres of ground devoted to the display of tropical and other remarkable plants and of every sort of decorative gardening.

Horticulture forms Department VII., comprising Classes 700-709, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers; 710-719, HotHouses, Conservatories, Graperies, and their Management; 720-729, Accessories of Gardening, Implements, Tools, etc.; 730-739, Garden Designing, Construction, etc.

The Art Gallery or Memmorial Hall, as our readers

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are aware, differs from the other "main" buildings in the fact | old Roman villas, but entirely novel here, are intended to that the cost of its erection has been specially provided for screen the long walls of the gallery. The main entrance by the State of Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia, opens on a hall 82 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 53 feet high and it is designed to serve as a perpetual art memorial of the richly decorated; on the farther side of this hall, three doorCentennial Exposition. The building is fire-proof, the ways, each 16 feet wide and 25 feet high, open into the materials are granite, iron and glass, and the architecture is centre hall; this hall is 83 feet square, the ceiling of the of the Modern Renaissance type. It stands on a terrace 6 dome rising over it 80 feet in height. From its east and feet above the general level, and 122 above the river level, west sides extend the galleries, each 98 feet long, 84 feet it is 365 feet long and 210 wide. The central dome rises wide, and 35 feet in height. These galleries admit of tem150 feet from the terrace and is surmounted by a figure of porary divisions for the more advantageous display of Columbia, while at the four corners of the tower which sup- paintings. The centre hall and galleries form one grand ports the dome are statues representing the four quarters of hall 287 feet long and 85 feet wide, and holding 8000 the globe.

The doors are of iron, and are relieved by bronze panels, having the coats-of-arms of all the States and Territories. Between the arches of the doorways are clusters of columns terminating in emblematic designs illustrative of Science and Art. The entrance is by three arched doorways, each 40 feet high and 15 feet wide, opening into a hall. The main cornice is surmounted by a balustrade with candelabras. Each pavilion displays a window 30 feet high and 12 feet wide; it is also ornamented with tile work, wreaths of oak and laurel, 13 stars in the frieze, and a colossal eagle at each The arcades, a general feature in the

of its four corners.


The Fine Arts form Department IV., and are divided into Classes 400-409, Sculpture; 410-419, Paintings; 420-429, Engraving and Lithography; 430-439, Photography, including Photo-lithography; 440-449, Architectural and Industrial Designs, Models, Decorations, etc.; 450-459, Decorations with Ceramic and Vitreous Materials-Mosaic and Inlaid Work.

Though many of the works of art exhibited will be on sale, none can be removed until after the close of the Exhibition, November 10th.

The Commission early discovered that the demands for

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on sale, are well wra procuring not only s works of art but as savenirs of the Expos They are continuing the series, taking every ch fice as it attains a suffic ently advanced stage to make a picture. They have erected a unique model studio, shown on page 393; the panels, or blind windows, shown a the front and sides, filled with handsome spe cimens of the art, orta mented by being franel in living vines trame: and festooned abo them, forming a beas tiful photo-panorama Edward L. Wilson, Ed. itor of the Philadelphu Photographer, is the "Treasurer and General Superin tendent," and John A. Fraser, of Toronto, is the Art Superintendent," of the Company.



space for Art exhibits would far exceed their original calcu- | lations and necessitate the erection of supplementary edifices. They have built an annex on the north, and have acceded to the proposal of the National Photographic Association to erect a separate building especially for the exhibition of American and Foreign Photography. This building is shown on page 392; it covers an area of 240 by 75 feet, affording 19,000 square feet of surface for exhibits; the roof is entirely of glass.

Speaking of Photography and the enlightened action of the Association, we cannot pass by the "Centennial Photograph Company," which, by its grand pictures of the buildings in their successive stages of progress, has contributed in an important measure to the popularizing of the Exhibition throughout the country. The "Company" is an organization of practical photographers from all parts of the country and from the Canadian Dominion; they have the exclusive control of the taking and selling of photographs within the Grounds, and the fine photographs of different

sizes of the various buildings, together with the Stereoscopic views formed of photographs, which they have taken and have

The Women's Pavilion is one of the peculiarly admirable institutions of the Exhibition, which is alike highly creditaide to the patriot women and their worthy President, Mrs. E. D. Gillespie, and to the Commission. It is a neat, handsom structure, covering nearly an acre, and is devoted to the dis play of women's handiwork. A model "Women's Schoo house" stands near the Pavilion, and is exceedingly attractive in appearance.




The Judges' Hall, 115 feet by 152, is a very showy building, designed, as its name indicates, for the use of the "judges of awards." The system of awards adopted by the

Commission is

original, and the most complete and perfect ever formed. The judges, two hundred in number, are one-half citizens of the United States and the other half foreigners, selected with great care and with special reference and regard to

their qualifications for the important duty assigned them. The awards are to be by the United States Centennial Commission, upon written reports signed by the awarding judges. The awards will be a diploma and a bronze medal, in each case accompanied by the report of the judges upon the same; those receiving the awards have the right to publish the reports relating thereto.

The United States Government Exhibition Building, page 394, covers about two acres, and contains a most interesting collection of exhibits. The War Department will present a complete historical display of the progress made in the manufacture of arms, ammunition, and accoutrements from the earliest days of the Republic until the present time, with figures clad in uniform illustrating the most prominent periods in the history of the army of the United States. Old Probabilities will reveal the secrets of his trade, with the help of lighthouses and fog-signals. The Treasury will show us how money is made, and the Engineer's and Quartermaster's Departments how to spend it. Their long lines of fortification modols, torpedoes, and army wagons will be shown, in connection with our admirable hospital and ambulance service. A field hospital of twenty-four beds, erected as a separate building, is close at hand, designed to exhibit the American pavilion system of hospital architecture. The Navy Department will show us what improvements have been made in the means by

which Perry, Porter, Decatur and Jones established the glory of our flag. The Interior Department, among its various exhibits, will present us most of the useful and visionary models of the Patent Office. The Indian Bureau will tell us all about the red man's manners and customs, mode of warfare, costume, etc., illustrated by the presence of some distinguished sons of the forest. The Smithsonian Institution will carry out the design of its founder-"the diffusion of knowledge among men." Its vast collection of treasures of the sea and land, in every department of knowledge, and in every branch of Science and Art, will be thrown open to the world, and will amply repay prolonged and minute investigation. In the rear of the Government Building, resting on the slope of George's Hill, the cadet camp will be found; well provided with all the means for displaying the versatile West Pointer's efficiency as horse, foot, and dagoon. A battery of artillery will be parked near by, and will furnish guns and horses for the warlike evolutions of light battery drill.

We defer our notice of the British and other foreign buildings and of the special buildings of the several American States, as our space this month will not permit us to do them justice.

Among the ornaments of the Centennial Grounds, conspicuous will be the Statue of Columbus, erected by an association embracing some of our most prominent Italian fellowcitizens and admirers of the great Genoese navigator; and



not less conspicuous will be the Monument to Religious Liberty erected by the "Independent Order of B'nai B'rith," a benevolent organization of Jewish-American citizens-it is a most fitting tribute to the American Republic, wherein Religious Liberty has had its most perfect exemplification. But the most remarkable monument or combination of monuments is the grand "Centennial Fountain," erected by the Roman Catholic Total Abstinence Brotherhoods of the United States; it covers a space of 105 feet in diameter and rises to a height of 35 feet on an elevated spot near the northern corner of Machinery Hall. A large circular basin, 40 feet in diameter, has in

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its centre a mass of rock work, upon the top of which stands a colossal statue of Moses. Water gushing forth on all sides falls into the basin. Stretching from the basin are four arma in the shape of a Maltese Cross, each ten feet eight inches in length, and nine feet wide, terminating in four circular platforms, each sixteen feet in diameter. Upon each platform stands a drinking fountain twelve feet in height and eight feet eight inches in diameter each way, surmounted by a colossal statue nine feet high. These statues represent Commodore John Barry, "the Father of the American Navy," Archbishop John Carroll, the patriot priest of the Revolution; Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, the Catholic Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Father Mathew," the Apostle of Temperance."

The Witherspoon Monument stands on a beautiful lawn sloping towards the Lansdowne drive, and east of the Art Gallery. The colossal bronze statue, 'designed by Bailly and cast by Robert Wood & Co., stands on a pedestal of Quincy granite. The monument has a total height of 35 feet above Lansdowne drive, and may be seen from portions of West Philadelphia, Belmont Mansion, and from the river bank. The monument, though erected under the auspices of Presbyterian divines and laymen, is not strictly denomi national or sectarian in character, as members of other churches have contributed liberally.

Among the many buildings erected by private enterprise, one of the most important is the "World's Ticket and Inquiry Office," built by Messrs. Cook, Sons & Jenkins. It is an elegant pavilion, with offices for the sale of tickets, hotelcoupons, etc., and the affording of information and facilities for traveling to and from all parts of the world; but in ad dition to the utilitarian purposes of this firm, they provide one of the most attractive features of the Exposition in the display of their celebrated Palestine Camp, illustrating their method of caring for travellers in that interesting country, besides which they illus trate a number of other most interesting facts connected with travel and life in distant countries; among the attractions they offer is the boy Selim, so famous in the Stanley tour after Livingstone.


The visitor, if subject to one of our failings, which we have at times found very inconvenient, but nevertheless found but one way to vanquish, and that was in yielding to it, will be glad to learn that there are within and contiguous to the Grounds numerous excellent Res taurants. Of those within we present handsome pictures of two, either of which will enable him to conquer the failing alloded to, at a reasonable

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bustle of a large, crowded dining-hall, several parlors, reading-room, etc. One of the Southern features is the presence of a band of genuine plantation minstrels,who will illustrate the gay feature

of time-past plantation life. The "German Restaurant"

of Phil. J. Lauber, Esq. (page 398) will be one of the popular features of our

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great show." Mr. Lauber is well known in our Philadelphia community as a genial, hospitable gentleman, with large experience as a caterer. He has commenced well in the erection

of a tasteful, ornate building, well appointed in every respect. Without the cheering music of a fine orches

tra, it would attract liberal patronage, but the orchestra engaged by Mr. Lauber will largely increase the net returns, as not only Germans but very many others of those who enjoy good eating can also appreciate good music.

Among the many Restaurants outside of the enclosure, that of John Doyle, Esq., will compare favorably with the best in any land. It is a large, imposing edifice (page 400), standing almost at the main entrancegateway, just at the stoppingplace of all the railways. The main dining-hall on the first floor is 92 feet by 71 in the clear, with an unusually high ceiling, and is so exceptionally delightful that one is reluctant to leave it when done feasting; to the rear is the Café and Sampleroom; up-stairs there are elegantly furnished suites of rooms, banquet halls, where parties of one or fifty can breakfast, dine or sup, in quiet and luxurious comfort, besides private parlors, etc.; but the Department which of all others stamped Mr. Doyle as a model host in our estimation, was the vast, perfect kitchen, and its pantries, etc.-we never saw such a kitchen and suite of pantries, etc., attached to a "restaurant," and the cooks and their assistants looked as if they were in holiday attire instead

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