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by Char Hadje Ali Pacha, who bravely perished fighting at the head of his cavalry. If this news should be confirmed, of which there appears little doubt, this eruption of the Turks into the Peloponesus may end fortunately, as well as gloriously, to the cause of the Greeks; an event that must be the ardent wish of every one who prefers civilization to barbarism, and the mild tenets of the Christian faith, to the persecuting spirit of Mahometanism.


Letters from Brazil up to the 5th June give various public declarations, issued by the Prince Regent and other authorities; from which it appears that the Prince has taken the title of Perpetual Defender of Brazil, that the Brazilians are to have a Cortes of their own, but that they will continue to acknowledge John VI. as King both of Portugal and Brazil.


The accounts in the North American papers from Mexico do not anticipate a long reign for the new Emperor Iturbide. His election to that dignity is described as " partly the result of corruption and partly

of chance medley. If he possesses great talents, he may retain it; if he is but an ordinary man, he will fall beneath the weight of public opinion." Other accounts mention that he had fixed his coronation as Emperor of Mexico, for the 24th June, and preparations were making for performing the ceremony with extraordinary magnificence. The whole cost was estimated at a million of dollars, (above £200,000.) The order of the ancient Caziques was to be renewed, and the glories of the ancestors of Montezuma re-acted. The enlightened and liberal part of the Mexicans, says a Charleston paper, will not endure this usurpation the people generally murmur.


A Gazette Extraordinary, published by the Government of Colombia, announces the receipt of news from the President Bolivar in Quito, from which it appears that the liberation of that kingdom was completed by the surrender of Pastos on the 8th of June, and of the city of Quito on the 25th May. A mil. lion of Americans are thus added to the family of the Republic; and Bolivar has acquired fresh glory.



ENGLAND. The very sanguine expectations held out in our last report appear to have been most amply verified. The weather has continued suitable and the most adapted to getting in the harvest, and indeed to every agricultural purpose, that could even be chosen, were it in our power to choose. This is to speak generally, as most suitable to the end of a general report. The exceptions are, those heavy rains which, early in the present month, inundated a great part of the midland and northern counties, accompanied by storms which beat down the stoutest and best of the corn, rendering the operation of reaping very laborious and expensive, and inducing the risk of mildew and smut from unabsorbed moisture. In all the most Eur. Mag. Vol. 82.

productive districts, our grand dependence, the wheat crop, is safely housed, and the next article in rank for human subsistence, potatoes, is of equal promise with the crop of wheat, both in regard to quantity and quality. Barley, oats, and beans, are good only in some few forward situatiors; in generál these crops are considerably below an average, though much improved by the showers which succeeded the long drought. Oats particularly have suffered from the smut in many parts. No crop has received greater benefit from the rains and subsequent warm weather than the hops, which will nearly double the former expectations. Swedish turnips are a failing crop, destroyed almost entirely by the drought and flymere convertible terms. Much of the

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corn abroad during the rains has sprouted, and they talk of a double crop of the hops, ripe and unripe. The fallows are backward in tilth, and in too many parts choaked with couch and rootweeds; yet, on a general view, the good condition of the lands is wonderful, considering the unprecedented distress of the country.

WALES.-The principality has been blessed with a plentiful harvest, at least as far as regards the wheat, which is both a heavy crop and good in quality. Barley, as well as oats, are not a heavy crop, and generally short in straw. The market price of all grain ruinously low: -wheat, 32s. to 40s.; barley, 16s. to 22s.; oats, 12s. to 15s. per quarter, at this period, which usually brings a better price than when new corn becomes fuller to market.

SCOTLAND. - Unfavourable reports have been circulated of the deficiency of the oat and barley crops, but there is reason to believe they are without foundation. Contrary to expectation, there will still be a tolerable crop of turnips, owing to the quantity of rain which has fallen lately. Potatoes an immense produce, and good in quality.

IRELAND.-All parts of Ireland partake of the blessings of an abundant harvest, and the near prospect of returning plenty is not more cheering to the lately starving population, than to those generous friends of humanity, who so promptly and munificently afforded the necessary succour in the hour of need to the distressed Irish peasantry. The following accounts may be considered as a general view of the whole country, although they come from particular districts.

Dublin. The wheat crop will realize the most sanguine expectations with regard to bulk and quality. The oats, although bulky beyond what was expected five or six weeks ago, are complained of by many people as being deficient in quality. Farmers do not know what to do about their rents, the church cess, and county cess; and thousands of them would think them. selves well off if the landlords and the other claimants came and carried away all, except a small portion for bread for their families, and for seed in the suc

ceeding season. Last year the prices were bad enough, but this year the opening prices for new wheat have not much exceeded the half of what they were last year. Pinkeye potatoes were sold in Dublin market for 16d. per cwt.; 2s. 6d. per cwt. was the highest price for those kinds; which price cannot now be obtained.

Cork. The wheat harvest is saved, and in general the quality excellent. The oat crop in some districts light, but every where sound; barley an average crop; the effect on the market is what may be expected; some old wheat has been sold so low as 13s. or 14s. per barrel. No price has been fixed for new wheat, in consequence of the quantity of old in market. First flour from 17s. to 18s. per cwt.; seconds, 13s, to 15s., and household from 12s. to 14s. per cwt.

Galway. The weather has continued to be so very fine that the fate of the harvest is decided. We shall have the most abundant one ever remembered, and the quality very superior. Already have prices declined exceedingly; potatoes are about 2d. per stone, and there is not the least doubt but they will fall to one penny. Grain already feels a serious depression; that which sold for 13s. per cwt. a short time since, will scarcely now fetch 8s., and even at this reduced price there is no demand.

Armagh. Through a very large portion of the north and west parts of the kingdom the crops generally are abundant, and of superior quality, far surpassing the crops of last year. Potatoes, wheat, and barley are best in quality and quantity, and the oats and hay, which it was supposed from the long dryness materially suffered, are amply sufficient in quality and quantity to afford perfect satisfaction to the farmer.

Sligo. We are now storing one of the richest and most abundant harvest with which kind Providence has blessed this country during half a century. The potatoe crops of the kingdom are most luxuriant; it is calculated that nearly 20 per cent. over what is called an average crop of all kinds will be gathered this season in Ireland.


(London, Sept. 24.)

COTTON-The Cotton market remains nearly nominal, on account of the sale advertised at the India House for Friday next. The very favourable report of the Liverpool market has produced no animation in the demand for Cotton here.


CORN. The quantity of Wheat remaining over from last week was considerable, and as there were also fresh arrivals to yesterday's market, the show rather large: the fine samples of both new and old sold readily at the previous prices: in the inferior qualities the business done was not extensive, but there was generally an improvement in the trade. There were extensive supplies of Barley; the new, in consequence, must be stated at a reduction of 2s. a 3s. per quarter; the old, Is. lower-The arrivals of Oats were so exceedingly limited, that an advance of 1s. must be stated-White Peas were 2s. higher; in Grey Peas or in Beans there was no alteration. The unfavourable accounts from the Whale Fisheries had the effect of increasing the demand for Rape and Linseed; the former advanced £1. perlast; the latter was 2s. a 3s. per quarter higher.

SUGAR.-This forenoon the demand -for Muscovades continued very general; - the business done has been considerable, - and at very full prices; noimprovement in the currency can be stated since Tuesday last, but the market is exceedingly firm, at previous prices. The ⚫estimated sales to-day are 1500 casks. There was no alteration in the Refined market; low lumps were still much enquired after, and very few were offering for sale; the prices were a shade higher: all the finer descrip- tions were in plentiful supply, and were offered on very low terms without facilitating sales.-Molasses advanced to 30s.; to-day declined to 29s.

There were no public sales of Foreign Sugars during the last week; several parcels were, however, reported to be taken by private contract: the white descriptions continue enquired after; the yellow and brown still neglected. The public sale this forenoon consisted of 290 chests Havannah Sugar; the good and fine white went off with

great briskness, at prices Is. a 2s, higher.

White, fine.... 42s. 6d. a 448. 6d.
good ... 41s. a 42s.
middling 38s.
Ordinary 34s.

The yellow and brown sold low, but they were washed.

Yellow, middling... 20s. and 21s.
Brown.......... 18s.

COFFEE. There were two public sales of Coffee this forenoon: 299 casks British Plantation, consisting chiefly of fine and of very ordinary descriptions of Coffee: the former went off heavily at a further reduction, making a decline in the prices of good and fine middling of fully 3s. a 5s. per cwt. since this day week. A parcel of 35 casks good middling Jamaica was taken in at 139s. 6d. and 140s.: a larger parcel was then disposed of, good middling, and of a better colour, sold extensively at 139s. 6d. and 140s.; fine middling sold at 142s. and 142s. 6d.; the ordinary mixed and rank Jamaica, which lately sold on such low terms, may, to-day, be stated fully 2s. higher than on Tuesday last, and a considerable improvement in the demand. There have lately been so few parcels of the intermediate qualities of fine ordinary or middling Coffee, that the prices of the latter and of foreign may be stated to remain nominally the same as on Tuesday last.

SPICES. Mace has been enquired after, and must be stated at an improvement.-Pepper, and all other East -India Spices, continue heavy.

East India sale declared for Monday, Nov. 11; Prompt Feb. 7, 1823 :

130,000lbs. Cinnamon | 1000lbs. Oil of Mace 1411 bags Black Pep1000 tons Saltpetre

1306 Cloves 20,000 Mace 100,000lbs. Nutmegs


RICE. The public sale on Friday, 695 bags good Patna Rice, was chiefly taken in at a low price; a few lots sold at 12s. and 12s. 6d.

RUM, BRANDY, & HOLLANDS.The Rum market has lately been parti, cularly heavy; the purchases reported are confined to small parcels for the trade; there are, however, few sellers at any reduction, and no Leewards offer under 1s. 5d.-Brandy and Geneva must be quoted at a small decline; the best marks of the former offer at 3s. 4d. without facilitating sales. The pale Geneva lately landed is offered on the quay at 1s. 6d.

IRISH PROVISIONS.-Beef and Pork continue to go off in small parcels for shipping; holders appear anxious to effect sales, on account of the anticipation of low prices next season.-Bacon has sold rather more freely within the last week, yet the stocks are heavy, and no improvement in the currency has been realised.-Irish Butters must be quoted 2s. per cwt. higher.

TALLOW, &c. -The Tallow market was heavy last week. - Considerable arrivals were reported from the Baltic, and there were few buyers; yet it must be stated, the trade who are out of stock, purchase only for their immediate wants, and appear anxious respecting the issue of the extensive speculations in Tallow. The letters from St. Petersburgh are to the 3d instant; the Exchange was 10 1-6th and a fraction; the price of Tallow had fallen from 100 to 98 roubles. In Hemp or Flax there is little alteration to notice.

OILS.-In conséquence of the daily arrivals of the vessels from the Whale Fisheries with very little Oil, the prices

of Greenland must be stated at an advance of £2. per tun since Tuesday last. There can now be no doubt of the failure of this year's fishing; the estimated produce this season from the Straits and from Greenland, is about 8000 tuns; last year, it was 17,000 tuns; the stock of old is very considerable, and the quantity of Southern and Seal Oil is also more extensive than usual; the trade, however, do not purchase at present; £28. is the nearest price for New Greenland; £26. has been paid for the old.

ASHES.-By public sale, 20th instant:-Pot Ashes, 277 barrels Quebec, 1sts, sold 36s. 6d.; 2nds, 33s. and 33s. 6d.-Pearl ditto, 179 barrels Quebec, 1sts, 45s. a 46s.; 2nds, 44s. 6d.

TOBACCO. -The Tobacco market continues in a very depressed state.

NAVAL STORES. - There is no Rough Turpentine at market; the last realized price was 15s. 6d.-Tar is in more request, and may be stated a shade higher.-In Pitch, Rosin, and other articles, there is no alteration.

INDIGO-There is little alteration in the prices of Indigo; the late cur'rency is fully supported. The sale declared at the India-House is not expected to exceed 3500 chests. A further improvement is very generally entertained,


certain improvements in the construction and manufacture of spring-jacks, and their connection with roasting apparatus. Dated July 27, 1822.

Jonas Hobson, and John Hobson, of Mythorn-bridge, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturers and merchants; for a new series of machinery, for the better, more effectual, and expeditious mode of shearing, cutting and finishing woollen cloths, kersymeres, and all other description of clothes and piece--boiling, and concentrating, by evapora. LIST OF BANKRUPTS,

goods, which require the use of the shears. Dated July 27, 1822,

John Stanley, of Charlton-row, Manchester, Lancaster, smith; for certain machinery, calculated for a more efficacious mode of fuelling or supplying of furnaces in general with fuel, whereby a considerable reduction in the consumption of fuel, the appearance of smoke and of labour is effected. Dated July 27, 1822.

John Pearse, of Tavistock, ironmonger and clock and watch-maker; for

Sir Anthony Perrier, of the city of Cork, knight; for certain improvements in the apparatus for distilling, tion, various sorts of liquids and fluids. Dated July 27, 1822.

Robert Benton Roxby, of Arboursquare, Stepney, Middlesex, gentleman; for certain improvements on, or additions to, the astronomical instrument, known by the name of the quadrant. Dated July 31, 1822.

William Cleland, of Glasgow, North Britain, gentleman; for an improved apparatus, for the purpose of evaporating liquids. Dated August 17, 1822.



Extracted from the London Gazette.

N.B. All the Meetings are at the Court of Commissioners, Basinghall-street, unless otherwise expressed. The Attornies' Names are between Parenthesis.


Browning, T. sen. of East Malling, Kent, farm er, Sept. 17, 21, and Oct. 19. (Clutton and Co. High-street, Borough

Barratt, T. of Darenth Mills, Kent, paper-manufacturer, Sept. 15, 14, and Oct. 22. (Collius, Dartford

Braim, Rev. T. of Much Wenlock, Shropshire, earthenware-manufacturer, Sept. 21, Oct. 8, and 26, office of Mr. Jones, solicitor, Broad-eye, Stafford. (Dax and Co. Guildford-street; and Jones, Stafford, & Hanley Bateman, A. Bristol, victualler, Sept. 25, 26, and Oct. 26, Commercial-rooms, Corn-st. Bristol. (Poole and Co. Gray's-inn; and Saunders, Bristol

Bevil, C. P. Ipswich, jeweller, Sept. 17, 24, and Oct. 26. (Williams and Co. Gray's-inn-pl. Candler, I. Jewry-street, Aldgate, flour-factor, Sept. 3, 10, Oct. 5. (Druce & Son, Billiter


Cripps, J. Wishbeach, Cambridgeshire, draper, Sept. 17,28, and Oct. 26. (Jones, Sise-lane Carter, H. Rateliffe-highway, linen-draper, Sept. 17, Oct 5, and 26. (Jones, Sise-lane Dalton, J. Tottenham-court-road, merchant, Sept. 3,10, and Oct. 12. (Jennings and Co. Carey-street, Lincoln's-inn

Davis, T. Minories, stationer, Sept. 20, 21, and Oct. 19. (Thomson, George-st. Minories Dent, J. Stone, Staffordshire, cheesemonger, Sept. 13, 14, and Oet. 12, Crown-inn, Stone, Staffordshire. (Benbow and Alban, Lincoln's-inn; and Vernon, Broomsgrove, Wor


Day, J. and R. Camberwell-green, stone-masons, Sept. 13, 14, and Oct. 19. (Shuter, Millbank-street, Westminster

Dipper, F. Worcester, silk-mercer, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, and 22, Packhorse-inn, Worcester. (Becke, Devonshire-street, Queen-square; and Hill, Worcester

Elmore, R. Edgbaston-street, Birmingham, corn-dealer, Sept. 9, 10, & Oct. 12. (Georgehotel, Walsall, Staffordshire, Stork-tavern, Birmingham. (Turner, and Co. Bloomsbury-square; and Heeley, of Walsall, Stafford

Edwards, T. Tarvin, Cheshire, corn-dealer, Sept. 26, 27, & Oct. 22, Royal-hotel, Chester. (Philpot and Co. Southampton-street, Bloomsbury; and Finchett, Chester

Edwards, T. Liverpool, merchant, Sept. 23, 24, and Oct. 12, Star and Garter-tavern, Paradise-street, Liverpool. (Mawdsley, Duran'slane, Lord-street, Liverpool; and Wheeler, Castle-street, Holborn

Emery, J. late of Rosamond-street, St. James's, Clerkenwell, victualler, Sept. 3, 17, and Oct. 12. (Cokayne and Co. Lyon's-inn Ellis, H. J. Norwich, linen-draper, Sept. 9, 10, and Oct. 1, Norfolk-hotel, Norwich. (King, Serjeant's-inn, Fleet-street; and, Murray, Norwich

Flack, E. D. Manchester, merchant, Sept. 27, Oct. 7, and 26, Star-inn, Deansgate, Manchester. (F. R. Atkinson, Manchester; and W. Makinson, Temple

Felton, R. sen. High-street, Southwark, hopmerchant, Sept. 16, 17, & Oct. 5. (Townshend, St. Margaret's-hill, Southwark Firmin, J. Bulmer, Essex, farmer, Sept. 25, 26, and Oct. 26, Rose & Crown-inn, Sudbury. (Wriglesworth, Gray's-inn-square; & Frost, and Co. Sudbury

Fletcher, P. C. and T. Queenhithe, coal-merchants, Sept. 3, 7, & Oct. 5. (Stevens and Wood, Little St. Thomas-apostle, Queen


Griffin, W. Hay-green, Worcestershire, victualler, Oct. 4, 5, and 26, Stork-hotel, in the Square, Birmingham. (Smith, Basinghallstreet; and T. Sadler, Birmingham

Golding, T. and S. Ditton, Kent, paper-manufacturers, Aug. 31, Sept. 7, Oct. 5. (Cranch, Union-court, Broad-street

Gregg, T. R. and W. Phene, jun. Watling-st. confectioners, Sept. 14, 28, and Oct. 12. (Osbaldeston & Co. London-st. Fenchurch

[blocks in formation]

Humphries, C. Bishopsgate-street, linen-draper, Sept. 20, 21, and Oct. 19. Jones, Sise-lane Hesseltine, R. Thirsk, Yorkshire, inn-keeper, Sept. 23, at the King's-arm's, Thirsk, 24, and Oct. 15, Golden-lion, Northallerton, Yorkshire. (Richardson, Thirsk; and Highmoor, Scott's-yard, Bush-lane, Cannon-street

Hedge, J. late of Star-court, Little Comptonstreet, Soho, builder, Sept. 17, 24, and Oct. 22. (Mangham, Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate-street

Harris, T. jun. Ragland, Monmouthshire, cordwainer, Sept. 17, 18, and Oct. 19, Beaufortarms-inn, Monmouth. (King, Serjeant'sinn, Fleet-street; and C. Chadborn, Newnham

Hewson, J. and Robinson, W. Carlisle, manufacturers, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, and 26, Crown and Mitre, Carlisle. (Clennell, Staple's-inn; and S. and G. Saul, Carlisle

Higgin, R. Liverpool, mariner, Oct. 1, 2, and 26 George-inn, Dale-st. Liverpool. (Brooke, Liverpool; and Lowe, and Co. Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane

Hawkins, J. and J. Nottingham, timber-merchants, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, & 29, Punch-bowl, Nottingham. (Hurst, Nottingham; and Knowles, New-inn

Harris, J. Birmingham, nail-factor, Sept. 13, 14, and Oct. 19, Hen and Chickens-hotel, Newstreet, Birmingham. (Long and Co. Holborn-court, Gray's-inn; and Smith and Co Birmingham

Jones, O. Newport, Monmouthshire, coal-merchant, Oct. 2, 3, and 29, Commercial-rooms, Corn-street, Bristol. (Meredith, Lincoln'sinn; and J. A. Jones, Bristol

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