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A P4 На 1852-53




PARLIAMENT.-Its opening, the royal

speech, 26.

HOUSE OF LORDS.-Debate on the address,

27; opening of the new Parliament, royal

speech, and debate on the address, 243;

Aberdeen's (Lord) speech on the new ad-

ministration, 276; Ali Morad's territo-

ries, 75; amendment of proceedings in

the Court of Chancery, 244; assembling

of Parliament by proclamation, bill to

amend the statutory law, 53; Ava, the

war with, 75, 76, 99; Birkenhead, loss

of the, 76; business of the House before

Christmas, 245; Caffre war, 28; Caffres,

sale of gunpowder to the, 28; Cape of

Good Hope, constitution granted to,

122; Chancery reform, 52; Clancarty

(Lord) and the oath prescribed for Roman

Catholics, 28; commercial policy, 266;

Common Procedure Amendment Bill,

28; coffee mixed with chicory, 98, 123;

corn duties, 52; County Courts Exten-

sion Bill, 29; criminal offenders, mutual

surrender of, between France and Eng-

land, 122, 123; Crystal Palace, 75;

De Bode (Baron), petition from, 123;

Derby's (Earl) reason for taking office,

51; doctrine, question of, 99; duration

of the session, 75; elections, corrupt

practices) at, 123; Enfranchisement of

Copyholds Bill, 100; foreign refugees,

76; French compensation fund, 123;

gunpowder, the sale of, to the Caffres,

28; Indian territories, 75; Jamaica,

distressed state of, 192: Largos, attack

upon, 29; lunatic asylum for criminal

lunatics, 53; Mather (Mr.), case of,

28, 122, 123; Maynooth grant, 75, 99;

Megara, troop-ship, 23, 29; Militia

Bill, 123; Murray (Mr.) the case of, 99;

national school grants, 123; Navy Pay.

Bill, 123; New South Wales petition,

123; New Zealand Bill, 123, 124;

property tax, 99; railway amalgama-

tion, 123; railway regulations, 245;

resignation of ministers, 29; recog-

nition of the French Empire, 267; River

Plate, affairs of the, 53; Rosas (General),

honours paid to, 98, 99; sanitary state

of London, 98; Smith's (Sir H.), conduct

at the Cape, the Duke of Welling-

ton's approval of, 27; St. Alban's

disfranchisement, 77; volunteer rifle

corps, 53; Von Beck (Baroness), 123;

Warner's (Captain) invention, 99;

Wellington (the Duke), funeral of the,

244, Lord Derby's speech on the, 245;

wills, bill to amend the law of, 53;

prorogation, 147.

HOUSE OF COMMONS.-Opening of Parlia-

ment, debate on the address, 29;

opening of the New Parliament, debate

on the addres 246; Australia, de-

sertion of seamen in, 106; augmentation

of the armed and paid forces, 58; ballot,

vote by, 78; ballast heavers of the port

of London, 81; Bennett (Mr.), vicar of

Frome, 81, 106, 126, 163; Betblchem

hospital, 247; Brazil, our relations

with, 81; British American railway,

124; Bishopric of Christchurch (New

Zealand) bill, 132; carriages, the duty

on, 34; chancery reform bill, 59; chan-

cery, relief of suitors in the, 31; cha-

ritable trusts bill, 61; Clarendon (Lord),

charge against, as viceroy of Ireland,

35; colonial bishops bill, 101, 106;

Constantinople, repairing the chapel of

the embassy at, 12; convocation, 247;

copyright amendment bill, 59; copy-

right treaty with France, 38; county

courts extension bill, 81; county election

polls bill, 127, 138; county rates expen-

diture bill, 35; Crystal Palace, 101;

dangerous animals bill, 57; deserters

from foreign ships, 60; Disraeli's (Mr.)

financial statement, 268; division on

the, 272; dissolution of Parliament,

intention regarding the, 56, 79; eccle-

siastical personages and episcopal

revenues, 101, 127; elections corrupt

practices bill, 33, 81, 107, 134; extra-

mural interments, 55; financial state-

ment, 101; foreign affairs, alteration in

the administration of, 29; foreign com-

merce, 54; free-trade, intention of the

government with regard to, 53, 51; free-

trade, intentions of the new government

respecting, 248; Mr. Villiers in favour

of, 268; general board of health

bill, 134; grand juries bill, to dispense

with, 81; Harwich, bribery at, 78; hop

duty, 59; Household Narrative, 57;

Indian territory, government of the, 81;

Ionian Islands, 79; Jewish disabilities

bill, 134; Jamaica, condition of, 124,

134; Lefevre (Mr.) clected speaker of the

House, 245; Mather's (Mr.) case, 31,

129, 148; Meer Roostun, late Ameer of

Scinde, the case of, 134; metropolitan

burials bill, 133, 134; metropolitan

sewers bill, 133; metropolitan water

bill, 133; militia, Lord John Russell's,

34, 36; militia, Lord Derby's, 77, 83,

103, 106, 125; militia franchise, 81;

ministerial explanations, 57, 79; Murray

(Mr.), case of, 124; Maynooth grant, 106,

107, 125. 131; national board of educa-

tion, 58; New South Wales, petition

from, 133; new writs for elections, 53;

New Zealand government bill, 106, 124,

128, 133; Oban and Glasgow railway,

55; O'Connor (Mr.), Fergus, disorderly

conduct of, 123, 133; Paget (Mr.),

seizure of his papers at Dresden, 248;

Palmerston's (Lord), dismissal, 29;

paper duty and taxes on knowledge,

105; parish constable's bill, 82; parish

vestries bill, 132; parliamentary

reform bill, 54; policy of the new

administration, 57; poor-law board con-

tinuance bill, 107; postage labels, ma-

chine for perforating the sheets of,

unfair treatment of the inventor, 55;

preserved meats for the navy, 33; pro-

tection to refugees, 59; public business,

124; public houses (Scotland) bill, 32

recognition of the French Empire, 269;

reform bill, the new, 33, 54; reform of

the ecclesiastical courts, 248; relief of

the landed interest, 60; representative

system, 59; resignation of the ministers,

37, Roman Catholic processions, 132;

resignation of Lord Derby's government,

267; Scotland, law reform, act for, 33;

shipping trade, 58; stamp duty, S1; St.

Alban's disfranchisement, 34, 54, 59;

sugar duties, 54; synod of the Church of

England in the colonies, 134; taxes on

knowledge, 82; tenant right, 33; Turkey

and Egypt, 59; universities of Scotland

bill, 100; university lists, 34; ventila-

tion of the House, 31, 55; votes to

occupiers of tenements of 10%. per year,

100; voting for members, extension of

the people's rights, 32; water in the

metropolis, 31; Wellington (the Duke),

funeral of the, 247; expense of the,

248; the Queen's message relating to

the, 247; Wingate and Smith (Messrs.)

the case of, 132, 148; working classes,

measures to benefit the condition of the,

128; prorogation, 148; members re-

turned to serve in the new parliament,

149; members of the Aberdeen adminis-

tration, 273.

COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY.-Army estimates,
56; building of iron steamers, 58;
Caffre war, 80; civil service estimates,
124; commissariat votes, 60; convey-
ance of specic on board ships of war,


58; exchequer bills, 60; medals for
naval actions, 58; navy estimates, 58;
naval reserve, 58; ordnance estimates,
60; patronage of the dockyard, 58.
IRELAND. - Consolidated charities act,
53; Cuffe-street savings bank; 56; dis-
turbances in, 28; disturbed districts,
the, 56; encumbered estates, 134: funds
for educational purposes, 52; improve-
ment of landed property, 248; incum-
bered estates commission act, 56; 1rish
valuation bill, 134; Maynooth grant,
75, 99, 106, 107, 125, 131; Maynooth,
system of education at, 104; national
education, 124; new reform bill, 33;
outrages in, 28; prevention of crime in,
132, 131.

EDITORIAL NOTES Aberdeen ministry

.the, 266; Africa, the war on the

coast of, 25; American fisheries dis-

pute, 169; Anti-Corn-Law League, 26,

49; Achilli v. Newman, trial, 122; grant

for a new trial, 242; Argentine con-

federation, 170; Australian convict

question, 25; Australia, the gold dig-

gings, 73, 122; Australian grievances,

122; Australia, scarcity of wool from,

98; Bentinck, Lord H., in North Not-

tingham, 145; Beresford, Mr. and the

non-electors, 146; a good and a safe

man wanted at Derby, W. B., 146, 266;

Birkenhead, loss of the, 74; bookselling

question, the, 74, 91; budget, Mr. Disraeli

opening the, 97 Cape, the war at the,

25, 98; chancery abuses, 26; chancery,

abolition of the masters of, 74; cholera,

preparations for the, 170; Christopher

(Mr.) in Lincolnshire, 145; church, dis-

putes in the, 75; Cobden (Mr.), on the

hustings, 145; convocation, 217, 242;

crystal palace, Lord Derby on opening

the, on Sunday, 242; Cumming (Mrs.),

the chancery proceedings against, 50

death of the Duke of Wellington, 193;

Derby's (Lord) speech at a dinner

given by the Lord Mayor, 97; Disraeli

(Mr.) at his election dinner, 145;

Derby administration, fall of the,

266; Disraeli's (Mr.) speech on the

death of the Duke of Wellington, 241;

Exeter, the bishop of, and the confes-

sional, 217; Exeter's, the Marquis of,

wish at Blandford, 146; forebodings on

opening of the new year, 1; Franklin,

Sir John, 74, 218; France and the

northern powers, 98; French claims to

the holy sepulchre, 26; French inter-

ference with Turkey, 170; French in-

vasion, 98; French press, 25; free-

traders, 117; general election, 121, 145;

gold diggings in Australia, 73; House-

hold Narrative, proceedings of the Court

of Exchequer against the, 74; income-

tax, 26; Indian empire, proposed in-

quiry into the administration of govern-

ment on the, 75; Ireland, the favourable

condition of, 218; Irish discussions on

religious equality, 218; Kelly, Sir Fitz-

roy, in Suffolk, 146; Kossuth's speech,

241; Louis Napoleon's method of

governing, 49; Louis Napoleon and the

empire, 170; Louis Napoleon elected

emperor, 241; Manchester free-trade

meeting, 26; Manners, Lord John, at

Colchester, 145; Mather (Mr.), the case

of, 121; murders in Ireland, 218; May-

nooth grant and the no-popery cry, 98,

121; militia question, and resignation of

Lord John Russell, 25; militia bill, 25,

75, 98; national defences, 25; new

ministry, work in hand for the, 25; new

year, forebodings of the, 1; New Zealand

bill, 122; Pitcairn's Island, a visitor

from, 219; popish processions, the pro-

clamation against, 121; Queen of Spain,

attempt to assassinate the, 26; rifle

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