THE RECITER'S COMPANION; COMPRISING THE MOST POPULAR RECITATIONS, Comic Cales, DRAMATIC READINGS, AND QUEER STORIES, INTERSPERSED WITH GEMS OF GENIUS AND SPARKS OF WIT. "SPEAK the speech, 1 pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly LONDON: W. STRANGE, 21, PATERNOSTER ROW. Printed by R. MACDONALD, 30, Great Sutton Street. ADDRESS. A right merrie" Christmas, and a happy new year to ye all, good friends! While presenting the compliments of the season, we will add our warmest acknowledgments for the favourable reception which our two little VolumesTHE VOCALIST'S COMPANION, and THE RECITER'S COMPANION - have met with during their publication in Numbers. And as " one good turn deserves another," we intend to show our appreciation of past favours by issuing one more volume of each Work, to contain the same quantity as the present one, but to be published in monthly instead of weekly numbers-thereby enabling us to insert all the choicest Pieces which shall become established in public favour during the ensuing year. The first number will appear on the 1st of January. We take this opportunity of thanking all our Correspondents, for their kind suggestions and communications; and to assure them that all future communications (though not individually noticed) shall meet with due attention. |