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Review of the

Final Report

John A. Michael, 1932-

Program Analysis Staff

Joint Planning and Evaluation

Science and Education


United States Department of Agriculture

Washington D.C. 20250

GL Stacks Depos USA 8-19-89


This report reviews the Bankhead-Jones program, undertaken by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in response to Amendment No. 37, Conference Report 96-553 on H.R. 4387, the Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 1980. The review has been conducted in accordance with the Conference Report directive that the Department, along with appropriate nongovernmental representatives, conduct a detailed review of the BankheadJones program, including the original intent of the legislation, and report the findings to the appropriate committees of Congress by March 1, 1980.

In March, the Department of Agriculture provided an interim report of the preliminary findings of this review. The contents of the final report are generally consistent with those set forth in the interim report. The final report includes more data as well as appendices pertaining to the basic legislation, budget request and related Congressional testimony, and the methods used in conducting the review. As indicated in the interim report, the final report examines the inflation and population changes since 1960 and analyzes the distribution of Bankhead-Jones funds in relation to full-time-equivalent enrollments.

Direction of the review project has been shared by Drs. Jane Roth and John Michael. Dr. Roth directed the initial stages of the review project-overseeing its design, data collection, and early versions of the report. Dr. Michael assumed responsibility for the remainder of the project, including preparation of the interim and final reports. General guidance and direction has been generously provided by Dr. John M. Brazzel, Chief of the Program Analysis Staff in Joint Planning and Evaluation, Science and Education Administration (SEA), U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Special thanks go to Dr. Robert L. Clodius, President of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC); Dr. Russell C. McGregor, Director, Office of Governmental Relations, Energy and Natural Resources; and Lowell Lewis, Director, Office of Governmental Relations, Agriculture, NASULGC. They greatly aided this review by conducting a survey of land-grant institutions and providing a forum for U.S. Department of Agriculture personnel to meet with both land-grant and non-land-grant representatives. The names of those representatives, who gave freely of their time and thoughts, appear in Appendixes G and I of this report. Special mention is made of Dr. Robert W. MacVicar, President of Oregon State University, who chaired these meetings.

Members of the NASULGC Resident Instruction Committee on Organization and Policy have remained attentive and helpful throughout the review. Drs. William H. Kelly, Association Dean for Instruction of the University of Vermont, and George Sledge, Associate Dean of the University of WisconsinMadison deserve special mention in this regard. Finally, Dr. B. Rodney Bertramson of Washington State University and consultant for NASULGC, gave unstinting assistance throughout the study period.

Molly Frantz, Budget Examiner, Agriculture Branch, Office of Management and Budget, provided guidance and suggestions at every stage of this review. Robert Yuill and Paul Horn of the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, prepared special tabulations for this report pertaining to land-grant and non-land-grant institutions with data from the Higher Education General Information Survey.

Within the Department, gratitude is expressed to Dr. Homer C. Folks, Assistant Director, Higher Education at the time of this review, for insights into the program and reviews of earlier drafts of this manuscript. Generous assistance to this study was also given by Dr. Lynn Maish of the Office of Budget Planning and Evaluation. Dr. Timothy H. Blosser, Program Coordinator, Program Planning Staff in Joint Planning and Evaluation, SEA; Sheila H. Gillette, Economist, Program Planning Staff, Joint Planning and Evaluation, SEA; and Dr. Ted N. Tschudy, Management Analyst, Organization and Management Staff, SEA, also helped the project in its early stages.

As consultants for this review, Dr. Joel Aronson, Katherine M. Loughlin, Carol Novalis, Maria F. Owings, Dr. Patricia G. Thompson, and Dr. Russell I. Thackery assisted in the collection and analysis of data and the preparation of the interim report. The interim report was typed by Sharon W. Berry, Kathleen Bundick, Cheryl Cohen, and Gloria Robinson. Elnora E. Hunter typed the final report with assistance from Deborah Cooke, Jeanette McDougal, Gloria Robinson, and Vanessa Shorter.

Space limitations preclude further recounting of the many persons who lent assistance willingly and without whose help this report would not be possible.

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