Bonds of Affection: Civic Charity and the Making of America--Winthrop, Jefferson, and LincolnGeorgetown University Press, 04 հոկ, 2007 թ. - 336 էջ Notions of Christian love, or charity, strongly shaped the political thought of John Winthrop, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln as each presided over a foundational moment in the development of American democracy. Matthew Holland examines how each figure interpreted and appropriated charity, revealing both the problems and possibilities of making it a political ideal. Holland first looks at early American literature and seminal speeches by Winthrop to show how the Puritan theology of this famed 17th century governor of the Massachusetts Colony (he who first envisioned America as a "City upon a Hill") galvanized an impressive sense of self-rule and a community of care in the early republic, even as its harsher aspects made something like Jefferson's Enlightenment faith in liberal democracy a welcome development . Holland then shows that between Jefferson's early rough draft of the Declaration of Independence and his First Inaugural Jefferson came to see some notion of charity as a necessary complement to modern political liberty. However, Holland argues, it was Lincoln and his ingenious blend of Puritan and democratic insights who best fulfilled the promise of this nation's "bonds of affection." With his recognition of the imperfections of both North and South, his humility in the face of God's judgment on the Civil War, and his insistence on "charity for all," including the defeated Confederacy, Lincoln personified the possibilities of religious love turned civic virtue. Weaving a rich tapestry of insights from political science and literature and American religious history and political theory, Bonds of Affection is a major contribution to the study of American political identity. Matthew Holland makes plain that civic charity, while commonly rejected as irrelevant or even harmful to political engagement, has been integral to our national character. The book includes the full texts of Winthrop's speech "A Model of Christian Charity"; Jefferson's rough draft of the Declaration and his First Inaugural; and Lincoln's Second Inaugural. |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 55–ի 6-ից 10-ը:
... levels this accusation against the Puritan regime and its rulers , he seems to refrain from tarring Winthrop in the same way . Our first clue is Winthrop's striking absence from the text 22 WINTHROP AND AMERICA'S POINT OF DEPARTURE.
... Puritan ruler " because among those promoting the design he was " the most busy . " The first time the reader even encounters Winthrop's name is in chap- ter 12 , " The Minister's Vigil , " where it is noted that Hester and Pearl have ...
... Puritan hypocrisy . Historical records known to Hawthorne suggest that Bellingham himself engaged in an illicit sexual relationship . With Bellingham at the forefront of Puri- tan politics , Hawthorne makes Hester's most powerful and ...
... Puritan New England — only in angelic light . Some- one so vitally bound up with the establishment of the Puritan regime under attack could not entirely escape Hawthorne's indictment . Yet it now seems equally implausible that Hawthorne ...
... Puritan Dilemma ; Darrett Bruce Rutman , Winthrop's Deci- sion for America ; and Lee Schweninger , John Winthrop . 3. Hawthorne as he who " knew them best " is a line from " The Puritan " by noted poet James L. Seay , Open Field ...
1 | |
19 | |
21 | |
27 | |
Two Cities upon a Hill | 56 |
Jefferson and the Founding | 91 |
1776The Other Declaration | 93 |
A Model of Natural Liberty | 97 |
Hail Fall of Fury Reign of Reason All Hail | 169 |
This Nation Under God | 200 |
A Model of Civic Charity | 219 |
Bonds of Freedom | 241 |
John Winthrops A Model of Christian Charity Speech | 261 |
Thomas Jeffersons original Rough draught of the Declaration of Independence | 277 |
Thomas Jeffersons First Inaugural | 283 |
Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural | 289 |
To Close the Circle of Our Felicities | 128 |
Lincoln and the Refounding of America | 159 |
From Tom to Abe | 161 |
INDEX | 309 |
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Bonds of Affection: Civic Charity and the Making of America--Winthrop ... Matthew Scott Holland Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2007 |