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Educating the "right" Way: Markets, Standards, God, and Inequality

Michael W. Apple - 2006 - 374 էջ
This thoroughly revised edition of Educating the "Right" Way brings readers up to date on what are now clearly lasting transformations in the movements, ideologies, assumptions ...
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Making Meaning of Whiteness: Exploring Racial Identity with White Teachers

Alice McIntyre - 1997 - 212 էջ
Describes the decision of several white student teachers to create teaching strategies that eliminate white privilege in schools, and analyzes the role of racial identity in ...
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The Testing Trap: How State Writing Assessments Control Learning

George Hillocks - 2002 - 239 էջ
Do statewide assessments really do what they are supposed to do? Through interviews with over three hundred teachers and administrators, Hillocks examines whether state writing ...
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Brown Tide Rising: Metaphors of Latinos in Contemporary American Public ...

Otto Santa Ana - 2002 - 468 էջ
Since 1993, metaphorical language has permeated mainstream media reporting on the United States' growing Latino population. In this book, Otto Santa Ana argues that far from ...
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Censoring History: Citizenship and Memory in Japan, Germany, and the United ...

Laura Hein, Mark Selden - 2000 - 316 էջ
Considering the great influence textbooks have as interpreters of history, politics and culture to future generations of citizens, it is no surprise that they generate ...
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Why We Teach

Sonia Nieto - 2005 - 260 էջ
In Memoriam for Julia Gardner.
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La vida en las escuelas: una introducción a la pedagogía crítica en los ...

Peter McLaren - 2005 - 404 էջ
“Con este libro Meter Mclaren se muestra como un camarada en el camino de reclamar y construir lo que es más excelente y misterioso en los seres humanos: su habilidad para ...
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