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Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Henry-Russell Hitchcock - 1985 - 704 էջ
"Amid the plethora of vernacular building done in this century and the last, Professor Hitchcock was probably the only art historian equipped to chart the trends of the more ...
Հատվածի դիտում - Այս գրքի մասին

Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Henry-Russell Hitchcock - 1977 - 698 էջ
"Amid the plethora of vernacular building done in this century and the last, Professor Hitchcock was probably the only art historian equipped to chart the trends of the more ...
Հատվածի դիտում - Այս գրքի մասին

Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Henry-Russell Hitchcock - 1977 - 704 էջ
"Amid the plethora of vernacular building done in this century and the last, Professor Hitchcock was probably the only art historian equipped to chart the trends of the more ...
Հատվածի դիտում - Այս գրքի մասին

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