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The Loaded Table: Representations of Food in Roman Literature

Emily Gowers - 1993 - 360 էջ
This book offers a novel and unconventional approach to Roman culture, through food, or rather, food as it is represented in literature. Food is not generally thought of as the ...
Հատվածի դիտում - Այս գրքի մասին

The Loaded Table: Representations of Food in Roman Literature

Emily Gowers - 1993 - 360 էջ
This book offers a novel and unconventional approach to Roman culture, through food, or rather, food as it is represented in literature. Food is not generally thought of as the ...
Հատվածի դիտում - Այս գրքի մասին

The Loaded Table: Representations of Food in Roman Literature

Emily Gowers - 1993 - 360 էջ
This book offers a novel and unconventional approach to Roman culture, through food, or rather, food as it is represented in literature. Food is not generally thought of as the ...
Հատվածի դիտում - Այս գրքի մասին

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