The European Magazine, and London Review, Հատորներ 81-82Philological Society of London, 1822 |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 100–ի 6-ից 10-ը:
Էջ 62
... ther Shall spare this deed of mine , and hold it up A problem few dare imitate , and none Despise , - but , it may be , avoid the life Which led to such a consummation . Myrrha returns with a lighted torch in her hand , and a cup in the ...
... ther Shall spare this deed of mine , and hold it up A problem few dare imitate , and none Despise , - but , it may be , avoid the life Which led to such a consummation . Myrrha returns with a lighted torch in her hand , and a cup in the ...
Էջ 75
... ther , the more especially as his suc- cessor , Fitzwilliam , left us little to re- gret . Pope , as the elder Mertoun , was most whining , doleful , and lackadaisical ; for Claude Halero , the most amusing of prosing poets , the ...
... ther , the more especially as his suc- cessor , Fitzwilliam , left us little to re- gret . Pope , as the elder Mertoun , was most whining , doleful , and lackadaisical ; for Claude Halero , the most amusing of prosing poets , the ...
Էջ 95
... Ther . Wind Obser . 1822 Bar . Ther . Wind Obser . Jan. 14 30.17 45 15 30.11 W Fair W Ditto NW Ditto NE Ditto 319.91 40 W Fair 5 29.83 56 649.86 35 799.87 34 8129.35 34 930.04 N Fair NE Ditto N Ditto 16 30.14 34 32 N Ditto 17 30.19 33 ...
... Ther . Wind Obser . 1822 Bar . Ther . Wind Obser . Jan. 14 30.17 45 15 30.11 W Fair W Ditto NW Ditto NE Ditto 319.91 40 W Fair 5 29.83 56 649.86 35 799.87 34 8129.35 34 930.04 N Fair NE Ditto N Ditto 16 30.14 34 32 N Ditto 17 30.19 33 ...
Էջ 99
... ther , and was most favourably re- ceived . Mr. Farren's talents were next transplanted to Dublin , where his success speedily procured him a permanent engagement and consi- derable popularity , and an offer from the Haymarket Theatre ...
... ther , and was most favourably re- ceived . Mr. Farren's talents were next transplanted to Dublin , where his success speedily procured him a permanent engagement and consi- derable popularity , and an offer from the Haymarket Theatre ...
Էջ 122
... ther order nor peace , neither clean carpets nor unbroken chairs , in any house within twenty miles , unless every gentlemen has a Lady Di. and a set of oak - settles . There will be a commission of lunacy proposed for you ; -but , by ...
... ther order nor peace , neither clean carpets nor unbroken chairs , in any house within twenty miles , unless every gentlemen has a Lady Di. and a set of oak - settles . There will be a commission of lunacy proposed for you ; -but , by ...
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