| KATE LOUISE ROBERTS - 1922 - 1422 էջ
...the man that true lover of mine shall be. Scon-- Heart of Mid-Lothian. Ch. XVII. 9 If thou would'st ETHE— Faust. I. 1. 413. 22 Faith is the substance...for, the eiidence of things not seen. Hebrews. XI. ruins gray. SCOTT — Lay of the Last Minstrel. Canto II. 108tl- (See also HAZLITT) The moon of Rome,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1923 - 824 էջ
...to hear. Encouraged thus, the aged man After meet rest again began. CANTO SECOND I IF thou wouldst view fair Melrose aright, Go visit it by the pale...the gay beams of lightsome day Gild but to flout the ruins grey. When the broken arches are black in night, And each shafted oriel glimmers white; When... | |
 | Benedetto Croce - 1923 - 348 էջ
...boy... o la descrizione dell'abbazia di Melrose: If thou would'st view fair Melrose aright, Go visit is by the pale moon-light ; For the gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins gray. Where the broken arches are blank in night, And each shafted oriel glimmers white; When... | |
 | Mrs. Waldo Richards - 1924 - 750 էջ
...of Galloway's blest With the smell of bog-myrtle and peat! MELROSE ABBEY ANDREW LANG IF thou wouldst view fair Melrose aright, Go visit it by the pale...gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins gray. When the broken arches are black in night, And each shafted oriel glimmers white; When... | |
 | George William McClelland - 1925 - 1180 էջ
...rest to hear. Encouraged thus, the aged man After meet rest again began. CANTO SECOND If thou wouldst 00 b0 b0 ruins gray. When the broken arches are black in night, And each shafted oriel 3 glimmers white; When... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1925 - 424 էջ
...ABBEY. FBOM "THK LAY OP THK LAST MINSTREL." CANTO II. IF thou would.it view fair Jlelrose aright, Co visit it by the pale moonlight ; For the gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins gray. \Vin n the broken arches are black in night, And each shafted oriel glimmers white ; When... | |
 | Robert Borneman Ludy - 1926 - 578 էջ
...ENGLAND. (See page MELROSE ABBEY SCOTLAND If thou wouldst view fair Melrose aright. Go visit it by pale moonlight; For the gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout the ruins gray; When the broken arches are black in night, And each shafted oriel glimmers white; When... | |
 | C. K. Elout - 1926 - 248 էջ
...ongelijke hooge steenen treden af. 's Nachts ben ik er weer op gestegen en waarlijk: „It thou wouldst view fair Melrose aright, Go, visit it by the pale moonlight. For the merry rays of lightsome day Guild, but too floud, the ruins gray". Men kan, bij daglicht, den Baraboedoer... | |
 | Frederic W. Robinson - 1928 - 96 էջ
...sit upright He grasped the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. (g) If thou wouldst view fair Melrose aright, Go, visit it by the pale...gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins grey. (h) Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from... | |
 | Frederick Earle Emmons, Thomas Waterman Huntington - 1928 - 456 էջ
...Abbey." If thou wouldst view fair Melrose aright, Go visit it by the pale moonlight; 60 Melrose Abbey For the gay beams of lightsome day Gild but to flout the ruins gray. When the broken arches are black in night, And each shafted oriel glimmers white; When... | |
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