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" I am no orator, as Brutus is, But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man, That love my friend; and that they know full well That gave me public leave to speak of him. For I have neither wit... "
The works of William Shakespeare, the text formed from an entirely new ... - Էջ 60
William Shakespeare - 1843
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Studies in Poetry: Embracing Notices of the Lives and Writings of the Best ...

George Barrell Cheever - 1830 - 516 էջ
...That made them do it ; they are wise and honorable, And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts, I am...me public leave to speak of him. For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood : I...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: With Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of ...

William Shakespeare - 1832 - 1020 էջ
...That made them do it : they are wise and honourable. And will no doubt, with reasons answer yon, I ute ere the time Of her awakening,) here untimely...dead. She wakes ; and I entreated her come forth, wit, nor words, nor worth. Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech. To stir men's blood : I...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The English Orator: a Selection of Pieces for Reading & Recitation

James Hedderwick - 1833 - 232 էջ
...made them do it: — they are wise, and honourable! And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts: I am...public leave to speak of him:) For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood: I only...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The American First Class Book, Or, Exercises in Reading and Recitation ...

John Pierpont - 1835 - 484 էջ
...alas, I know not, That made them do it ! They are wise and honorable, And will, no doubt, with reason answer you. 1 come not, friends, to steal away your...public leave to speak of him ! For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood: —...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles

William Shakespeare - 1836 - 534 էջ
...anciently written dent ; " a stroke, and the impression which it makes on any thing." 4 Grievances. I am no orator, as Brutus is. But, as you know me...me public leave to speak of him. For I have neither wit,1 nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood. I...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Moral and Intellectual School Book: Containing Instructions for Reading ...

William Martin - 1838 - 368 էջ
...made them do it : they are wise and honorable ! — And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts ! I am...public leave to speak of him ; For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech To stir men's blood ; I only...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: Julius Cæser. Antony and ...

William Shakespeare - 1839 - 534 էջ
...Shakspeare. 3 Dint, anciently written dent; " a stroke, and the impression which it makes on any thing." I am no orator, as Brutus is. But, as you know me...me public leave to speak of him. For I have neither wit, 1 nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood* I...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Հատոր 5

William Shakespeare - 1839 - 534 էջ
..., And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. . I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts ; v I •am no orator, as Brutus is : But, as you know...me public leave to speak of him. For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, .To stir men's blood : I...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Commentaries on the Historical Plays of Shakspeare, Հատոր 2

Thomas Peregrine Courtenay - 1840 - 354 էջ
...That made them do it; they are wise, and honourable, And will, no doubt, with reason answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts, I am...me public leave to speak of him. For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood, I only...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The plays and poems of Shakespeare, according to the improved text ..., Հատոր 11

William Shakespeare - 1842 - 420 էջ
...That made them do it : they are wise and honorable, And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts : I am...him. For I have neither writ,2 nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, To stir men's blood : I only speak right on ; I tell...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

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