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" It might have been.' Alas for maiden, alas for Judge, For rich repiner and household drudge ! God pity them both ! and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these :  "
Putnam's Monthly - Էջ 27
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A lost battle [by A. Price].

Alice Price - 1878 - 408 էջ
...and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these : ' It might have been ! ' Ah, well...hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave away ! " JG WHITTIER. SIR THOMAS KENNETH and his sister did not talk much as they came through the park...
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The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier

John Greenleaf Whittier - 1878 - 530 էջ
...youth recall. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these : " Itmighthave been 1 " Ah, well ! for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply...hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave away ! THE RANGER. ROBERT RAWLIN ! — Frosts were falling When the ranger's horn was calling Gone the summer's...
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Living and loving

Virginia Frances Townsend - 1878 - 330 էջ
...eyes, which made me think Cousin Ned knew he would not have to go very far to find it in ir\ tl\e " Ah, well, for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply buried...hereafter,' angels may Roll the stone from its grave away." | OW the wind blows, and the rain beats, and the clouds of a dull, blue gray fold themselves low and...
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The Poets of the Nineteenth Century

Robert Aris Willmott - 1878 - 708 էջ
...and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: "It might have been!" Ah, well...from human eyes; And, in the hereafter, angels may Koll the stone from its grave away! ANOTHER hand is beckoning us, Another call is given ; And glows...
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The Literary Reader: Typical Selections from Some of the Best British and ...

George Rhett Cathcart - 1878 - 446 էջ
...and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these : " It might have been ! " Ah, well!...from human eyes ; And, in the hereafter, angels may Boll the stone from its grave away! THE BAREFOOT BOY. BLESSINGS on thee, little man, Barefoot boy,...
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Evenings in the Library: Bits of Gossip about Books and Those who Write Them

George Stewart - 1878 - 272 էջ
...and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. 'For of all sad words of tongue or pen. The saddest are these : "It might have been ! " ' Ah,...buried from human eyes ; ' And, in the hereafter, angela may Roll the stone from the grave away !' " " I do not believe," said the Professor, " that...
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The Household Book of Poetry

Charles Anderson Dana - 1878 - 882 էջ
...For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these : " It might have been ! * Ah, well 1 for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply buried from...hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave awny ! Jonx GBEIXLUr WHTTTtli. AÜLD ROBIN GRAY. W treu the sheep are in the fauld, and the kye at...
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The Science and Art of Elocution, Or How to Read and Speak: Embracing a ...

Frank Honywell Fenno - 1878 - 426 էջ
...or pen, '.. i are these: " It might have been I" Ah, well ! for us all some sweet hope lies iJeeply buried from human eyes; And, in the hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave away! Joan G. WHITTIE*. " CURFEW MUST NOT RING TO-NIGHT." [This touching incident in English history should...
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The Franklin Fifth Reader: For the Use of Public and Private Schools

George Stillman Hillard - 1878 - 412 էջ
...recall. 52. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these : " It might have been ! " 53. Ah, well ! for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply buried from human eyes ; 54. And in the hereafter, angels may Eoll the stone from its grave away ! 1 VAGUE. Unsettled; doubtful....
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The Franklin Fifth Reader: For the Use of Public and Private Schools

George Stillman Hillard - 1878 - 400 էջ
...might have been.' " 53. Ah, well! for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply buried from human eyes; 54.. And in the hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave away ! ' VAGUE. Unsettled ; doubtful. •- QUXFFED. Drank. 1 SPTN'ET. A stringed musical instru21 1 AS'TRAL....
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