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" And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true; and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. "
A Harmony of the Four Gospels: in which the Natural Order of Each is Preserved - Էջ 781
James Macknight - 1809
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The harmony of the Evangelists, with a paraphrase, with dissertations by J ...

Jean Le Clerc - 1701 - 650 էջ
...Ztbedee^ MATTHEW. MARK. LUKE. • JOHN. CHAR XXVIT. CHAP, XV. CHAP. XXW. -CHAP. XIXV 3$ And he that faw it, bare record, and his record is true : and he knoweth that he laith true, that ye . might believe. 3<5 For thcfe things were done, .that the fcripturc fhould be...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Chubb's Tracts

Thomas Chubb - 1732 - 882 էջ
...foldiers with a fpear pierced his fide, and fortlywith came there out blood -and water. And he that fail) it bare record, and his record is true, and he knoweth that he faith truth, that ye might believe. For thefe things were done, that thefcripturcs fiould be fulfilled,...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

An exposition on the Book of common prayer; with notes. [With] A companion ...

1765 - 506 էջ
...the Heart was Types and Prophecies concerning me are nov/ fulfilled, wounded. water. And he that faw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth .that he faith true, that ,yie might believe. For thefe things were done that the fcriptur,c;fliould befulhlkd,...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites ...

1765 - 410 էջ
...foldiers with his fpear pierced his fide, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And lie that faw it bare record, and his record is true -. and he knoweth that he faith true, that ye might believe. For thefe things were done, thaf the Scripture mould be fulfilled,...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles; with notes, by I. Mann

Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 էջ
...with a fpear pierced his fide, and 35 forthwith came thereout blood and water (a). And he that faw it, bare record, and his record is true : and he knoweth that he faith true, that ye might believe. For thefe things were done, that the fcripture 36 fhould be fulfilled...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Observations Upon the Four Gospels: Shewing Their Defects, ... Thereby ...

Friend to Truth - 1789 - 370 էջ
...John, who was prcfent, and who fays of himfelf upon this octafion, cru xix. v. 35, ' And he ' that faw it bare record, and his record is true : ' and he knoweth that he faith true, that ye ' might believe.' Let us now examine the evidence of thefe two. The firft fays...
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The History of the Life and Death of Our Blessed Saviour

Catherine D'Oyly - 1794 - 748 էջ
...with a ** fpear pierced his fide, and forthwith " came thereout blood and water. " 35' And he that faw it bare record, " and his record is true ; and he knoweth *? that he faith true, that ye might believe. " 36. For thefe things were done, that " the Scriptures mould be...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

An Apology for the Bible: In a Series of Letters, Addressed to Thomas Paine ...

Richard Watson - 1796 - 160 էջ
...being mentioned by the other evangelifts, he aflerts it with peculiar earneftnefs — " And he that faw it, bare record, and his record is true : and he knoweth that 'he faith true, that ye might believe." — -John faw blood arid water flowing from the wound; the blood...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

A View of the Evidences of Christianity: In Three Parts, Հատոր 1

William Paley - 1800 - 418 էջ
...circurnftance of piercing Chrift's fide with a fpear, the hiftorian adds, as for himfelf, " and he that faw it bare record, and his record is true, and he knoweth that he faith true, that ye might believe." Again, (xxi. 24.) after relating a converfation which pafTed between...
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The Theological, Philosophical and Miscellaneous Works of the Rev ..., Հատոր 4

William Jones - 1801 - 544 էջ
...Saviour's death, that his legs were not broken with those of the two malefactors, the evangelist observes, these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled, a bone of him shall not be broken ., at which passage the margin of our best editions of the bible refers us to Exodus xii. 46....
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