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" FEAR no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages. Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o... "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: Julius Caesar ; Antony and Cleopatra ... - Էջ 321
William Shakespeare, Alexander Chalmers - 1847
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Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. King Lear

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 576 էջ
...Gui. Come on then, and remove him. Arv. So, — begin. SONG. Gui. Fear no more the heat o' the sun3t, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task...stroke ; Care no more to clothe, and eat ; To thee the reed is as the oak : The sceptre, learning, physick, must All follow this, and come to dust3"....
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text by G. Steevens ..., Հատոր 6

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 578 էջ
...Reverence or due regard to subordination, is the power that keeps peace and order in the world. SONG. GUI. Fear no more the heat o'the sun, Nor the furious...frown o'the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke ; Core no more to clothe, and eat; To thee the reed is as the oak: The sceptre, learning, physick,...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Beauties of Shakspeare Regularly Selected from Each Play. With a General ...

William Shakespeare - 1827 - 658 էջ
...Thersites' body is as good as Ajax, When neither are alive. FUNERAL DIRGE. Gui. Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly...chimney-sweepers come to dust. Arv. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke; Care no more to clothe and eat; To thee the reed is...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from ..., Հատոր 2

William Shakespeare, George Steevens - 1829 - 542 էջ
...Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls aü musí, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Arv. Fear no more...stroke ; Care no more to clothe, and eat ; To thee the reed is as the oak : The sceptre, learning, physic, must AU follow this, and come to dust. Gui....
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Studies in Poetry: Embracing Notices of the Lives and Writings of the Best ...

George Barrell Cheever - 1830 - 516 էջ
...So, begin. SONG. Guid. Fear no more the heat o' the sun. Nor the furious winter's rages ; Thou t!-iy worldly task hast done, Home art gone, and ta'en thy...chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Arv. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke ; Care no more to clothe, and eat ; To thee the reed...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song

Charlotte Fiske Bates - 1832 - 1022 էջ
...little life Is rounded with a sleep. [From Cymbeline.] . FEAll JfO .WOKE. FKAR no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly...girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke; Care no more to clothe and...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Հատոր 33

1833 - 1028 էջ
...reconciled, even as Guiderius and Arviragus are, to Fidele's death. " Gui. Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages ; Thou thy worldly...girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Gut. No exerciser harm thee ! Arv. Nor no witchcraft charm thee! (rui. Ghost unlaid forbear thee !...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The wisdom and genius of Shakspeare: comprising moral philosophy ...

William Shakespeare - 1838 - 484 էջ
...when flowers are none. To winter-ground1' thy corse. 31 — iv. 2. 86 Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly...girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke ; Care no more to clothe, and...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Հատոր 2

William Shakespeare - 1838 - 522 էջ
...thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, .is chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Arv. Fear no more...stroke ; Care no more to clothe, and eat ; To thee the reed is as the oak : The sceptre, learning, physic, must •Ш follow this, and come to dust. Gui....
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare: Comprising Moral Philosophy ...

William Shakespeare, Thomas Price - 1839 - 478 էջ
...besides, when flowers are none, To winter-groundf thy corse. 31 — iv. 2. 86 Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages ; Thou thy worldly...girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke ; Care no more to clothe, and...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

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