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" But here's a parchment with the seal of Caesar; I found it in his closet; it is his will. Let but the commons hear this testament — Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read — And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins... "
Exercises in Reading and Recitations: Founded on the Enquiry in the ... - Стр. 139
авторы: John Barber - 1828 - Страниц: 300
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, with Explanatory Notes: To ..., Том 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - Страниц: 584
...Brutus wrong, and Cassi us wrong, Who, you all know, are honourable men: I will not do them wrong; ace to wear. York. I weigh it lightly ', were it heavier....would you have my weapon, little lord ? [me. York. Cxsar, I jbund it in his closet, 'tis his will : Let but the commons hear this testament, (V\ hich,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With Explanatory Notes. To ..., Том 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - Страниц: 572
...wrong, ^ ho, you all know, are honourable men: I will not do them \vrong ; I rather choose Towron^the dead, to wrong myself, and you, Than I will wrong such honourable men. But here 'sa parchment, with the seal of Ca;sar, I tound it in lus closet, 'tis his will : Let but the...
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King Lear: A Tragedy in Five Acts, Том 4

William Shakespeare - 1808 - Страниц: 432
...and Cassius wrong : Who you all know, are honourable men. 1 will not do them wrong : I rather chuse To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than I...the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, 1 do not mean to read) And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins in his...
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The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - Страниц: 430
...honourable men. Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, I will not do them wrong : I rather chuse To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than I...his will; Let but the commons hear this testament, (Wiich, pardon me, 1 do not mean to read) I And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip...
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The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - Страниц: 454
...and Cassius wrong : Who you all know, are honourable men. I will not do them wrong : I raiher chuse To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than I...honourable men. But here's a parchment, with the seal of Casar, I found it in his closet, 'tis his will ; Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Том 14

William Shakespeare - 1809 - Страниц: 378
...Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honourable men : I will not do them wrong ; I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself,...and you, Than I will wrong such honourable men. But here 'sa parchment, with the seal of Caesar, I found it in his closet, 'tis his will : Let but the...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Том 14

William Shakespeare - 1809 - Страниц: 384
...Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honourable men : I will not do them wrong ; I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself,...and you, Than I will wrong such honourable men. But here 'sa parchment, with the seal of Caesar, I found it in his closet, 'tis his will : Let but the...
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“The” Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Том 15

William Shakespeare - 1810 - Страниц: 390
...myself, aud you, TbaM'Iwili wrong such honourable men : But lirrr's a parcbmettt., with the s«al ol Caesar, I found it in his closet, 'tis his will: '. Let but the commons hear this testament, (\\liicli, pardon m« , I-do not mc.in to read,) And they would go. and fciw rftadCae »ar's wounds....
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare, Compared with the Greek ...

Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1810 - Страниц: 334
...Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honourable men. I will not do them wrong : I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than 1 will wrong such honourable men. But here's a parchment, with the seal of Caesar, I found it in his...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the corrected ..., Том 7

William Shakespeare - 1811 - Страниц: 528
...do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, yon all know, are honourable men: I will not do them wrong; I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself...honourable men. But here's a parchment, with the seal of Сжяаг, I found it in his closet, 'tis his will : bet but the commons hear this testament, (Which,...
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