twas but the wind, Or the car rattling o'er the stony street: On with the dance! let joy be unconfined: No sleep till morn when youth and pleasure meet, To chase the glowing hours with flying feet. The works of ... lord Byron - Էջ 19George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1819Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | Friedrich Johann Jacobsen - 1820 - 796 էջ
...sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the glowing Hours with ßying feet — But, hark! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As...Arm! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar! Within a windowed niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain; he did hear That sound... | |
 | John Edgecombe Daniel - 1820 - 532 էջ
...No sleep till morn when youth and pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying feet — But hark ! that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if...Arm ! it is. — it is— the cannon's opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain — he did hear That sound... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 էջ
...sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying feet — But, hark! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As...roar' XXIII. Within a windowed niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron, Alfred Howard - 1824 - 226 էջ
...sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet K To chase the glowing Hours with flying feet—- But, hark ! that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if...arm ! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1824 - 234 էջ
...hush ! hark ! a deep sound strikes like a rising To chase the glowing Hours with flying feet— But, hark ! that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if...nearer, clearer, deadlier than before ! Arm ! arm ! it is—it is—the cannon's opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's... | |
 | 1824 - 452 էջ
...sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet To chase, the glowing hours with flying feet— Bnt, hark ! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds its echo would repeat; And nearer, nearer, deadlier than before I Arm! arm! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar ! Ah I then... | |
 | William Oxberry - 1824 - 384 էջ
...sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying feet — But, hark ! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As...if the clouds its echo would repeat ; And nearer, nearer, deadlier than before ! Arm ! arm ! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar ! Within a... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1825 - 906 էջ
...morn, when youth and pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying feet— But, hark!—that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds...nearer, clearer, deadlier than before! Arm! arm! it is—it is—the cannon's opening roar! XXIII. Within a window'd niche of that high hall .Sate Brunswick's... | |
 | George Clinton - 1825 - 826 էջ
...sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the glowing Hours with flying feet — But, hark ! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As...repeat; And nearer, clearer, deadlier, than before ! Arm I Arm ! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar! And there was mounling in hot haste : the steed,... | |
 | William Hone - 1825 - 842 էջ
...; No sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying fleetBut, should be in her own favour. No. 4982, in the Catalogue for 1824, of Mr. Rodd, nearer, deadlier than before ! Ann ! arm ! it is '.-—it is— the cannon's opening roar ' Ah ! then... | |
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