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" The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands. His hair is crisp, and black, and long, His face is like the tan; His brow is wet with honest sweat, He... "
Spring flowers gathered for young florists, by S.P. - Էջ 32
Spring flowers, S. P. - 1849 - 32 էջ
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Victorian Boston Today: Twelve Walking Tours

Mary Melvin Petronella - 2004 - 340 էջ
...Under a spreading chestnut-tree The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands. Thirty yards west of the marker is a yellow Federal-style house, still affectionately known as the...
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Horsing Around in New Jersey: The Horse Lover's Guide to Everything Equine

Arline Zatz - 2004 - 276 էջ
...and it's a great feeling." Does this rhyme sound familiar: "The smith a mighty man is he, with large and sinewy hands; and the muscles of his brawny arms are strong as iron bands"? That's the blacksmith, better known today as the farrier, another vital link in your horse's well-being....
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Deconditioning and Reconditioning

John Greenleaf - 2004 - 201 էջ
...Under the spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands; The smith. a mighty man is he. With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron hands... He earns w hate'er he cau, And looks the whole world in the lace. For he owes not any man....
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Inspired English: Raising Test Scores and Writing Effectiveness Through ...

Lorraine LaCroix - 2005 - 161 էջ
...The smith. a mighty man is he. With large and sinewy hands: And the muscles on his brawny arms Are as strong as iron bands. His hair is crisp. and black...from morn till night. You can hear his bellows blow: You can hear him swing his heavy sledge. With a measured beat and slow. Like a sexton ringing the village...
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Inspirational Quotes

2004 - 516 էջ
...to pull it out. — Ernest Hemingway I would rather be right than be President. — Henry Clay 371 His brow is wet with honest sweat, He earns whate'er...whole world in the face, For he owes not any man. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I am a Shawnee. My forefathers were warriors. Their son is a warrior....
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do and Who We Should Be

Mark R. Schwen, Dorothy C. Bass - 2006 - 580 էջ
...Under a spreading chestnut-tree The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands. From The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin...
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Miles Apart: As I Remember My Irish Childhood... from There to Here

Agnes B. Cagney - 2007 - 180 էջ
...Under a spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron hands. -"The Village Blacksmith," by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The sound of the bellows and the swish...
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Auto Mechanics: Technology and Expertise in Twentieth-Century America

Kevin L. Borg - 2007 - 292 էջ
...Under a spreading chestnut-tree the village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, with large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms...from morn till night, you can hear his bellows blow; You can hear him swing his heavy sledge, with measured beat and slow, Like a sexton ringing the village...
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

A Child's Book of Poems

2007 - 130 էջ
...Under a spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands ; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms...whole world in the face, For he owes not any man. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ( ' IA ' $DAISIES At evening when I go to bed, ^a I see the stars shine...
Մասամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Quote Unquote (A Handbook of Quotations)

M.P. Singh - 2005 - 324 էջ
...one thought kept me calm; soon I'd be too poor to need an anti-theft alarm." — Gina Rothfels "He looks the whole world in the face for he owes not any man." — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "Credit buying is much like being drunk. The buzz happens immediately...
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