The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, And monarchs tremble in their capitals; The oak leviathans, whose huge ribs make Their clay creator the vain title take Of lord of thee, and arbiter of war ; These... The works of ... lord Byron - Էջ 184George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1819Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | John Wilson - 1842 - 362 էջ
...preceding stanza about the sea's disposing of "the vile strength he wields for earth's destruction." " These are thy toys, and as the snowy flake, They melt into thy yest of waves," is mere repetition. "A drop of rain" and "the snowy flake" is but the same image; and... | |
 | John Hanbury Dwyer - 1843 - 320 էջ
...grave, unknell'd, uncoffin'd, and unknown. The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, And monarchs tremble...Alike the Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. ~* Thy shores are empires, changed in all save thee — Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, what are they... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 738 էջ
...dashest him again to earth : there let him lay. The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built — and sure I ought to know.' — So begs you'd pay...Now talked of this, and then of that ; Discoursed Thy shores are empires, changed in all Rave thee— Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, what are they... | |
 | Samuel Maunder - 1844 - 544 էջ
...again to earth : — there let him lay. The armaments which thunder-strike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, -•And monarchs tremble...Alike the' Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. Thy shores are empires, changed in all save thee — Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, what are they... | |
 | John Hanbury Dwyer - 1844 - 320 էջ
...grave, unknell'd, uncoffin'd, and unknown. The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, And monarchs tremble...Alike the Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. Thy shores are empires, changed in all save thee— Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, what are they... | |
 | Quaver - 1844 - 552 էջ
...He sinks into thy depths with bubbling groan, Without a grave, unknell'd, uncoffin'd, and unknown. The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-...thy toys ; and as the snowy flake, They melt into the yeast of waves, which mar Alike the Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. Thy shores are empires,... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 էջ
...dashest him again to earth : there let him lay. The armaments which thunderstrikc the walls Of rock-built rt thé vain title take Of lord of thee, and arbiter of war: These arc thy toys, and, as the snowy flake,... | |
 | Joe Cowell - 1844 - 112 էջ
...from " The armaments which thunder-strike the wall* Of rock*built cities, bidding nation's quak«, And monarc'hs tremble in their capitals ; The oak leviathans, whose huge ribs maEe Their clay creator, the vain title take Of lord of thee (the ocean) and arbiter of war." The Plymouth... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 330 էջ
...bubbling groan, Without a grave, unknetled, uncofSued, and unknown. The armaments which Ihundentrike the walls Of rock -built cities, bidding nations quake,...Alike, the Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. Thy shores are empires, changed in all save thee— Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, wbat are they... | |
 | Modern poetical speaker, Fanny Bury PALLISER - 1845 - 540 էջ
...unknell'd, uncofnn'd, and unknown. * * * * * The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, And monarchs tremble...Alike the Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. Thy shores are empires ', chang'd in all save thee — Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, what are they?... | |
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